

How far are quasars away from us?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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Quasars can be very, very, very far away. And they are extremely bright. We've seen quasars that are 12 billion light years away from Earth (a light year is how far light travels in one year, and light travels at about 128 billion kilometers a second). Most quasars are actually big, bright galaxies shining from millions, or even billions of light years away from here.

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Q: How far are quasars away from us?
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How do you know that quasars are not just nearby stars?

The light from quasars - all quasars - is shifted far to the red side of the spectrum. This means that they are moving away from us, at a very high rate of speed. They cannot be "nearby", for that, and a lot of other sound, scientific reasons.

What are quasars and where are they found in the universe?

All quasars are located at a great distance from us. Of the quasars discovered, they range from between 780 million and 28 billion light years away. Because of these distances and the velocity of light, we are seeing them early on in the creation of the Universe. They are very rare they have only found about 20 or so. See related link for more information.

What evidence is there that quasars are very far away?

All observed quasars have redshifts between 0.06 and 6.5. Using Hubble's law, it can be shown that they are between 780 million and 28 billion light years away (in terms of comoving distance). See related link for more information.

The hubble telescope can see quasars that are 58,690,000,000,000,000,000 miles away. How long does it take light to reach earth from these quasars?

12.8 billion light years away.

What does a Quasar look like?

Quasars are too far away for a real photo, [but the related link] has an artists impression of what a quasar should look like.

Does the existence of quasars support the Big Bang theory?

Not the existence of quasars, but the fact that all quasars are distant from us. The best explanation for what we observe when we see quasars is that they are super-massive black holes in early galaxies, burning up solar "fuel" so rapidly that they eventually run out. We do not observe any quasars near to us, so the conditions that allowed quasars to form must have existed only several billion years ago. If our Universe has not changed its basic structure and density over the last 15 billion years or so, then the conditions that would allow quasars would allow them to exist at any time over that span. This would mean that there should be just as many quasars close to us as there are far from us. But we just don't see that. As is the case with many of the things we see, this is easy to explain via Big Bang Cosmology but almost impossible to explain with any alternative.

Are quasars brighter than stars?

Quasars are among the brightest objects in the universe and are intrinsically far, far brighter than stars, though the one which appears brightest to us on Earth (3C 273, a quasar in the constellation of Virgo) is so far away (about two and a half billion light years) that it cannot be seen without a telescope. 3C 273 is actually two trillion times as bright as the Sun and is in fact about a hundred times brighter than the entire Milky Way galaxy. We do think that quasars involve super massive black holes, but what we see is not the black hole itself (which is, well, black and therefore invisible) but its accretion disc.

How far away is Alaska from the main part of the US?

really far(:

How far away is the US from England?

it is about 3,000 miles away from I believe NYC

Is China 2500 miles away from the US?

no that probably as far away as Europe

Why are there no quasars left?

Quasars still exist.

Are quasars moving away from us at the speed of light since from the big bang as they are 13 point 7 light years away?

The farthest known galaxies / quasars are at a distance of over 40 billion light-years, and are moving away from us faster than the speed of light. Locally, nothing can go faster than the speed of light, and in their "own space", they don't. But in this case, it is "space itself" that is expanding. The Wikipedia article on "metric expansion of the Universe" gives a more detailed explanation on this topic.