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Q: How far away are the planets from the sun and what are they called?
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What are the planets that are far from the sun?

the planets away from the sun are called outer planets. They are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and if you consider it a planet Pluto.

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How far is Pluto from the other planets as it orbits the sun?

How far away is Pluto from all the pther planets?

Do planets far away from the sun have less gravity Yes or no?


Why are Jovian planets far away from the sun?

Because solar can absorb higher sun rays

Does a planets distance from the sun relate of surface found on the planets?

because the sun is far away from Pluto the planets suface would be ice i hope that helped you.

How many planets is Jupiter far away from sun?

4 planets. Mercury, Venus Earth and Mars

What are the planets far from the sun called?

Outer planets : After the kuiper belt (after mars) however inside our solar systemExtrasolar Planets aka Exoplanets : Planets out of our solar system ( further away from pluto) The study of them is called exoplanetology

Why was vesta knocked off the list of planets?

because it is far away from the sun ):

What happens when planets get far away from the sun?

the temperature on the planet tend to get colder

How are the inner and outer planets alike and different?

inner are closer to the sun. outer are far away from the sun.

Does a planets mass affect how far away from the sun it orbits?

No it does not have any effect on the planet. For Example: Pluto is very far away from the sun. It doesn't have that much mass.