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Q: How far back can hair follicle testing detect methamphetamine?
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How far back can a can a GC-MS test detect methamphetamine?

well its cells

How far back can a hair follicle test detect marijuana?

all the way

How do you get your ex wife tested for drugs?

I assume you don't want her to know, or you'd simply ask her. The easiest way to secretly drug test someone would be to get a sample of her hair, and submit it for testing. Hair follicle testing is not as reliable as blood or urine testing, but goes farther back in time. The length of the hair determines how far back you can test.

What does dominant follicle in left ovary mean?

A dominant follicle in the left ovary simply means that that particular follicle is responsible for releasing the egg for sterilization. The follicle that is not dominant will return the egg back to the ovary.

Can hair follicle drug test show amounts of drugs in your system?

When they do hair follicle testing, they can see your drug history. Which means they can go back as far as your length of hair will allow them and it usually takes about a week for what ever it is that you used to grow out into your hair, and unfortunately there is nothing you can really do about it.

How far back can an etg detect alcohol?

About 72 hours for the urine test. Much longer for the hair follicle test. EtG (ethyl glucuronide) is an alcohol metabolite that remains in your body for several days after the liver has cleared alcohol from the bloodstream.

What are the standard drugs tested for in a hair drug test?

Hair follicle testing can test for any and every drug there is. The drugs can be traced back some to two years since the last use of the drug.

Does follicle size decrease after ovulation?

yes they shrink back down to normal

How far back does a hair sample go if someone did cocaine or methamphetamine?

3 months

How far does baker hughes go back on a hair follicle test?

6 years

What is 1 cm dominant follicle in right ovary?

back to normal menstrual bleeding

If the papilla of a hair follicle is destroyed what happens to hair?

your hair wont grow back