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Q: How far back does the celebration of verterans date?
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The date is a little hard to state accurately, the best they have been able to come up with is about 2000 years ago a Celtic Tribe started celebrating "Samhain." In short, it's the start of the Celtic New Year.

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While it is not known exactly who created the sport, there are reports that go back as far as the existence of the chariot itself. The earliest reports of chariot racing date back to the funeral celebration of Patroclus.

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it was called Armistice Day until the 1960s, when the name was changed to Veteran's Day. It has been celebrated since the end of WWI.

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Back to January 3, 2006

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There is no cut off date. They can go back as far as they wish.

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New Year's celebrations date back as far as 46 BC when the Romans dedicated the date to Janus, the god of gates, doors and beginnings. It has been considered a social celebration for at least 100 years in the United States and the Tournament of Roses parade started in 1886.

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About 11,460 years

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tattoos date back to prehistoric times. they date back pretty far in asia, i believe tattoos were on of their first major cultural art forms.

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Gambling goes as far back as at the dawn of civilization. The first dices are 5.000 years old and were found in excavations in south Iran