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about 3 to 5 feet

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Q: How far can a balloon be tossed before it breaks?
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How far can water balloon be tossed to someone before it breaks?

A water balloon can be tossed to someone before it breaks for about 5-20 metres far.

How far can a water balloon be tossed to someone before it pops?

How far can a water ballon be tossed to someone before it pops?

How far can a water balloon be toss before it breaks?

I think a water balloon can be tossed if the water balloon is filled lightly. If the water balloon is filled heavily it might break before someone catches it. Also I did this before and I measured it and it was 74 feet and 5 inches exactly!

How far can a water balloon be tossed to someone before it bursts?

not that far unless the catcher wears a baseball glove somthing soft

How far can a water balloon go before breaking?

It depends on if a good thrower or if the water balloon is big or small

How far can a water balloon roll before bursting?

we dont know

How far can you throw a water balloon before it pops?

depends on the size, brand, weight, color, age, etc.

How do you make a balloon car that goes far?

use a bigger balloon

Why ballon burst when too much of air in blowbn into it?

The skin of the balloon will only stretch so far, before giving out and bursting.

How far does a hot air balloon travel before it pops?

Had a caller to a local radio show call in and said that she found a balloon in her yard in N.C. that was from Ellisville, MS. that's @500 miles

How far can a balloon go without popping?

as far as it wants to

Does it hurt if you pop a balloon with your bare feet?

It should not because the air is going to come out the sides and not the top where your foot is. When you step on a balloon, the air is forced down and it has to go somewhere, so it bulges out and the rubber can't hold it all that far so it breaks and the air goes through the hole.