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it can pick up anything with iron nickel or cobalt

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Q: How far can a magnet pull up to?
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Can the pull of a magnet sustain the weight of a doll?

The electromagnetic field is far stronger than the gravitational field. Thus, if the magnet is strong enough, it could pick up the doll. If the doll weighs a lot, the magnet will have to be more powerful, but yes it's possible.

Where is the pull of a magnet strongest at?

The pull of the magnet is strongest at the poles.

Which is the distance between a magnet and a paperclip?

Unfortunately this question needs more detail to answer. Are you asking about how far apart a magnet and a paperclip are if they're touching (# of atoms), or how far apart the magnet at my house is from the paperclip in china, or how far apart a magnet has to be from a paperclip before it starts to create a pull (even this would need more details, what size of magnet, what strength, what size of paperclip)?

Why can a magnet pull an iron car?

because the car is make up of iron

What could you do to an electro magnet to make it weaker?

You can pull the cord from the magnet to make it weaker so it wont pick up as many items you think it will

What does a compass does when it detects a magnet?

The needle goes to the magnet because of the pull!!!

Can a magnet pull aluminum metal?

no magnets can not pull some aluminium.

What items of aluminum does a magnet pull?

Sorry, but aluminium in any form is non magnetic, meaning that a magnet will not pull anything made of aluminium.

Would the pull of a magnet be stronger at the middle of North pole of the magnet?

i think the middle

Will a magnet pull through cloth?


What affects the strength of a magnet's pull or push?

you answer

Can magnet pull threw paper?
