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The human tongue is approximately four inches in length - however the the muscle which attaches to the tongue, directly to its posterior, is much longer. Slow ligature strangulation rarely produces a terminal ''epiglottis eruption'' which can produce obscenely gruesome results. A classic example was the strangling of Australian 22 year old - Mary Yvonne Laenen - in 1978. When found naked and dead in her car, homicide detectives were horrified to note that her entire tongue-epiglottis complex had ''erupted'' and the tip of the tongue was - incredibly - 181/3 inches below her lower lip. This placed it over an inch beyond her navel. - Such incidents are extremely rare, but they are anatomically possible.

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yeah. i did it by moving my tongue to far right for a long time. it hurts when i move it.

How far does your tongue go?

6 to 9 inches

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If you can bend that far. Sure.

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No.Crocs don't have much of a tongue, it's been reshaped into a small stubby flap which allows them to keep their mouth open underwater w/o swallowing a lot of water.Nope - it's tongue is only short. Even the tip doesn't protrude forward of the mouth.Probaly.yes it can

How far does a human tongue go back?

All the way to the end