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There is no cut off date. They can go back as far as they wish.

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Q: How far can companies go back on a background check in Colorado?
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How far does a criminal background check go in Colorado?

It can go back as far as they want. There are no limitations.

How far back do criminal background checks go when companies research them?

Most companies use a 7 year background check. However, there are some background checks that do not have a limit.

How far back do hard rock casinos background check go?

I know my background check went back 10 years.

How can you find out how far does certain companies go back on criminal background check?

They go back to childhood. They will find anything you did, but they cant refuse to hire you for it if you were found innocent in court

Colorado law on how far back a company can check your criminal background?

I am aware of no law in any state that limits the length of time an employer can go back into your criminal history (excluding your juvenile reord of course).

How far back can VA go back on a background check?

They can go back as far as they wish. They get to determine the perimeters of the background search.

How far back do companies go to do background checks in Tennessee?

Depends on what company it is

Perform a Background Check?

form_title=Perform a Background Check form_header=If you're considering hiring a new employee, run a background check to verify their information. How many years back would you like to search?=_ Do you have permission to perform the check?= () Yes () No Why do you want a background check done on this person?=_

How far back does an American university go in a employment background check?

Way back!

How long does Pennsylvania go back on a criminal background check?


How far back does apple go in the background check?

6 years

How far back can a employer go when they check your criminal background in Alabama?

Back to your 18th birthday.