

How far do a bullet go in the air?

Updated: 5/22/2024
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14y ago

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There is no limit depending on the gun and the bullet. A gun could be made to shoot a bullet out of the solar system. A gun could never fire a bullet fast enough to escape Earth's gravitational field because doing so would inevitably lead to the bullet's vaporization due to its friction with the atmosphere, much as incoming meteors burn up when they enter the atmosphere. However, a rocket can escape Earth because it maintains a relatively low velocity to avoid burning up. Once in the near-vacuum of space, velocity can be increased without fear of vaporization.

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15y ago
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2w ago

The range of a bullet in the air depends on factors such as its velocity, bullet size, and angle of fire. In general, most bullets fired from handguns have a maximum effective range of about 300-500 meters, while rifles can reach ranges of over 1,000 meters.

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12y ago

it varies with the weight of the round and the muzzle velocity of the weapon.

However it seldom exceeds a mile.

I sugguest that you watch Myth-busters.


If you can't ignore air resistance, then in addition to muzzle velocity, it also

depends on both the weight and the shape of the round.

If you can ignore air resistance, then it depends only on the muzzle velocity,

and neither the weight nor the shape of the round has any effect on the max

height of the arc.

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15y ago

The following theoretical explanation ignores the impact of air resistance and other dissipative forces:

The bullet will leave the barrel with a certain amount of kinetic energy (Ek=1/2mv2). As the bullet rises, it will lose velocity and consequently kinetic energy. At the peak of its trajectory, the bullet will momentarily reach zero velocity as it changes directions and begins to fall. At this instant, the bullet will have zero kinetic energy and maximum potential energy (U=mgh). As the bullet falls, it will convert potential energy back to kinetic energy as it gains velocity. In theory, the bullet will be traveling at its original muzzle speed when it hits you.

In reality, air resistance and wind, etc will impact the bullets flight and reduce the speed upon its return to earth.

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15y ago

Even if you were to take out all of the little changes that would knock a bullet off course (wind current, recoil, fixed aim), the answer is probably not. No matter how advanced your gun is or how much you change the environment around the fired bullet, your gun will never fire in a perfect line 100% of the time. Did you know that military snipers actually measure wind currents to calculate the perfect shot? ~Apple Juice

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13y ago

No, a bullet does not rise when it leaves the barrel of a gun. After it leaves the muzzle, the bullet will tend to drop slightly in a lengthy trajectory as it loses speed and gravity affects its straight path. But this leads to another issue that has everything to do with being able to hit a target.

To hit a target down range, the barrel of the weapon must be aimed along a line pointing at an angle some slight degree upward of the line of sight down the barrel. That's because the bullet begins falling immediately after exiting the muzzle. It will follow a parabolic trajectory and, if properly sighted in, the bullet will cross the line of sight at the point of aim.

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14y ago

over 10,000 meters

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How close do you have to be to a bullet to hear it go through the air?

Generally, you would need to be within about 100-300 feet of a bullet to hear it go through the air. This can vary depending on factors such as the bullet's speed, caliber, and environmental conditions. At greater distances, the sound of the bullet passing through the air may not be audible over other ambient noise.

Shoot a 30 30 bullet straight up how far does it go?

When a .30-30 bullet is shot straight up in the air, it can reach an altitude of around 1 to 2 miles before losing momentum and falling back to the ground. The actual height depends on factors such as the angle of the shot, the bullet weight, and environmental conditions.

If you shot a bullet in to the air could the bullet kill you on its way down?

Yes, a bullet shot into the air can come down with enough force to cause serious injury or death. This is known as a "falling bullet" or "stray bullet" phenomenon, and it is important to never shoot a firearm into the air as the bullet can still retain lethal velocity when descending.

If a person gets shot in the back with a 22caliber bullet will the bullet travel in the body?

Yes, a .22 caliber bullet can penetrate the body and travel through tissues and organs depending on the trajectory, velocity, and energy of the bullet upon impact. The bullet can potentially cause significant damage depending on its path through the body.

How long does it take for a bullet fired into the air to come down?

The time it takes for a bullet fired into the air to come back down depends on the bullet's initial velocity, weight, and aerodynamic properties. In general, it can take anywhere from 30 seconds to over a minute for a bullet to fall back to the ground. However, firing a bullet into the air is extremely dangerous and can cause harm or even death when it falls back down.