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Q: How far do seafloors spread in a hundred years?
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How far do the seafloors move each year?

About 12cm.

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In the 2000 years, Christianity has spread far and wide, it is in all countries today, roughly.

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Two hundred light years

How far 3 cm per year in kilometers will it spread in a million years?

It will spread: 3*1,000,000 = 3,000,000 cm => 30 kilometers

How many years were the roman empire the strongest?

Your opinion. It was the superpower of the olden times. It's empire stretched to as far as Egypt! Do you think its strong? Well, then again, it spread it empire to far, its own problem. It was taken down, like any ancient superpower.

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Tree roots will generally spread as far as they need to to get water.

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The Chicago Fire spread a third of the town

If the Atlantic Ocean is widening at a rate of 3 cm per year how far will it spread in a million years?

3 cm × 1,000,000 years ÷ 100,000 cm in a kilometre = 30 kilometres

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The Punic Wars were a couple of hundred years before Octavian came into power, and about a hundred and fifty years before he was even born. They had no direct influence as far as Octavian was concerned. Indirectly, they gave him more territory in which to recruit troops.

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The original Go game was invented about 4000 years ago, but the Japanese version is about 1500 years old. This complicated strategic game, so far, have spread through the whole Far East (e. g. Korea, Vietnam) and then the world.

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No one knows. Alcohol use goes back way into prehistoric times, perhaps as far as a hundred thousand years.

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Less than hundred years ago in the UK, women were stereotyped and labelled as being far less intelligent than men.