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Q: How far does light penetrate underwater?
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Do hydrothermal vents receive sun light?

Usually no- they are far too deep underwater for light to penetrate.

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this depends on the particulates and chemical makeup of the water

How will you know if a plant underwater undergo photosynthesis?

Yes can, as long as sunlight can still penetrate thru the water and reach the aquatic plants. *As far as i concern*

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Red light does not penetrate more than gamma rays.

Why light can penetrate lead glass but x-rays can not penetrate?

coz it cant

How can plants survive under water?

Certain plants (such as underwater ones) can survive being flooded in water. Plants can survive underwater because the sun's rays can penetrate water.

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yes it is light and light can

If wavelength of light is 104 of radii of earth than why it will penetrate deeper in sea?

if wavelength of light is of order of radii of earth then why it will penetrate deeper in sea?

Why can't you light a candle underwater?

You can't light a candle underwater because the water would put it out and no friction

Is the sun included in an underwater food web?

Sunlight does penetrate a certain distance underwater, although very deep underwater there is no sunlight. In the upper waters, there are algae and other plants that use sunlight for photosynthesis, so the sun is as much a part of the underwater food web as it would be for those on land.

What happens to the wavelengths of light that penetrate into the ocean?

they are absorbed

How do you set something on fire underwater?

light a match underwater and let it burn