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Q: How far from earth are polar satellites?
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What do polar orbiting satellites do?

Polar orbits pass over the north and south poles of the Earth.

Which type of satellites circle the Earth and provide global information from 540 miles above the Earth?

Polar Orbiting.

How satellites useful for communication?

for giving information to places on earth that is far far away.

How far is satellites from the earth?

The moon, at an average distance of 238,860 miles.

What is the exact time taken by the polar satellite in one revolution of earth?

Polar satellites, orbiting over the polar region (first link), takes approximately 100 minutes to do one complete pass at 25-degrees Earth rotational difference, to map the full section.(second link)For other satellites, it can take 90 minutes just to re-position a satellite to cover a new region, and THEN begin mapping. But the polar satellites stay in a constant orbit.

Why are polar satellites called Detective satellite?

A satellite in a polar orbit orbits from north to south. As the earth turns, it passes over all the surface area of the earth. Therefore, polar orbits are ideal for detecting things on the planet's surface.

Why are there so many Iridium satellites in orbit?

It takes that many to provide complete coverage of the Earth, including the polar regions.

Where do artificial satellites come from?

Artificial satellites come from all over the world. Each country send their own satellites into space.

Why do all satellites face south?

This allows them to see the entire surface of the Earth. The Earth is rotating East to West. (Or West to East if you were the satellite.) If you placed a satellite into an East-West orbit, it would not see the polar regions. If it were high enough (geo-stationary), it would only see one spot on the Earth. By using North-South (polar) orbits, the satellites will, after several orbits, be able to see the entire surface of the Earth.

What is a polar highly elliptical satellite used for?

It is used for communication plates where geostationary satellites can't reach, in polar areas. Russia uses elliptical satellites where the geostationary satellites can't reach.

Compared to the period of satellites in orbit close to the Earth the period of satellites in orbit far from the Earth is A the same B longer C shorter D not enough information?

B( T2/R3 = constant )

What are the only two inner planets with satellites?

As far as is known: -- Neither Mercury nor Venus has any natural satellites. -- Earth has one -- Mars has two