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Mercury is the closest planet to the sun. Mercury's orbit is not a perfect circle, so its distance from the sun varies. The minimum distance from the sun to Mercury is 28.5 million miles. The maximum distance is 43.5 million miles.

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14y ago

Mercury is the cloest by the sun ,it is 46 million kilometers

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Q: How far in meters is mercury away from the sun?
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How many meters away from the sun is mercury?

Mercury is 57.9x106m from the sun.

In kilometer how far is mercury away from the sun?


How far the mercury away from the sun?

Mercury is 57,910,000 kilometers from the Sun. This is equal to 35,980,000 miles from the Sun, making Mercury the closest planet.

How far does Mercury get away from the sun?

The furthest mercury gets from the Sun is 69,816,900 km (0.466 697 AU)

What does Mercury look like and how far away from the sun is it?

mucury is 0.387 A.U. from the sun

How many miles is Mercury 36252764 miles from the sun how far away is Earth from the sun?

The earth is 149.6 million km from the sun.

How close does mercury does it get to the sun?

As Mercury is so far away, scientists do not really know, so no one knows really!

What is the distanes from the sun to mercury?

Mercury is 57.9x106km away from the sun.

Is mercury 12 meters from the sun?

No, mercury if much much farther from the Sun than that

Is Mercury near or far from the sun?

Mercury is the closest planet to the sun

How many planets is Jupiter far away from sun?

4 planets. Mercury, Venus Earth and Mars

How many miles away if mercury from the sun?

36 million miles Mercury is away from the Sun, on average.