

How far is it round the earth?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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Q: How far is it round the earth?
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If you fall off the face of the earth will you keep falling forever?

No, the earth is round as far as I know

How far is it round the whole earth?

its has around 24 000 miles circumference

How long has it taken for the moon to travel this far?

as long as the earth's been round!

Why is the earth round?

well, from space, it is round. but this is the earth you are talking about! up close, you are a molecule! so even though small and round from far away, up close it is so big wherever you are, it is flat. :)

Was the world flat before?

no the world has always been round. but it was believed that the earth was flat because pioneers never traveled far enough to know then some one was smart enough to realize the earth was round.

How far is it from the sun?

Well it depends what "it" means if your talking about the earth, search "How far is the Earth from the Sun?" If you mean a planet, search same question as the earth one except use the planet in place of the earth.

If yo you were to travel from earth round the moon and back to the earth how far have you traveled?

In a straight line, half a million miles. But you can't do it in a straight line.

How far can you fly south on earth can you fly around the world that way?

The earth is round or spherical, you can fly around the world in any direction you like.

How do you say that the earth is round?

umm: "The Earth is round"? ------------------------------------------------ The Earth is not round - it is an oblate spheroid. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- A (slightly) oblate spheroid seems pretty "round" to me.

Who stated the earth was round?

Pythagoras stated the earth was round

Does the moon round the sun or the earth?

The moon rotates round the Earth.

Is Earth a spherical planet?

Yes earth is a spherical (round), thousands of years ago people did not know that planet earth was round, they just thought it was flat so if they went to far they would fall of the edge! but nowadays because of spacetravel etc, we have seen planet earth and they have noticed it was a spherical planet. So yes it is.