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The Kepler Satellite has discovered well over a thousand planetary candidates, via transit. Kepler-10 b is 173 parsecs (564 light years) while Kepler-35(AB) b is 1645 parsecs (5365 light years). Kepler 42 b, c, & d are 38.7 parsecs (126 light years).

This satellite is not a planet, but rather an artifact orbiting our sun at about the same distance as the Earth, built to detect exoplanets. Exoplanets are planets that orbit stars beyond ours.

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What is the distance between planet earth and planet Kepler?

There is no planet Kepler. Designations such as Kepler-69c are given to planets discovered by the Kepler spacecraft. This spacecraft has discovered planets ranging from 100 to 7,000 light years away.

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There is no single planet named Kepler, rather it is part of the designation given to planets discovered using the Kepler telescope. Most of the planets discovered using the telescope are larger than Earth, but some are smaller.

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Is Kepler 22b a real planet and does it have life?

Kepler-22b is indeed a real planet. While some evidence suggests that it may be capable of supporting life, we currently have now way of detecting if it does. So far Earth is still the only known planet to have life.

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Is Kepler 22b the largest planet?

No. Kepler-22b is between the sizes of Earth and Neptune. The largest known planet is HAT-P-32b which gas about twice the radius of Jupiter.

What is the difference between gliese 581g and Kepler 22b?

Kepler 22b is a planet with all liquid, water. gliese 581g is a planet that might be consists of land and water + their distance from earth.

Is there life on Kepler 22 b?

It is unknown. So far Earth is the only planet known to have life. Some observations suggest that Kepler-22b might be capable of supporting life. Even if there is life there, we cannot detect it with current technology.

Which planets are the most like earth?

usally most of them start with kepler

Which is the only planet that is able to harbor life?

As far as we currently know, it is Earth. But earth may in fact not be the only planet able to harbor life. We have just begun looking.

Who discovered planet Kepler?

There is no planet that is simply called "Kepler". The Kepler spacecraft discovered various planets, with names such as "Kepler-4b", "Kepler 11-d", etc.