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Q: How far is the star spica from the earth in kilometers?
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How far is the star alkalurops from the earth?

102 light years from earth

Is it possible to catch a star?

No. Stars are huge, much larger than Earth. A typical star might have a diameter of a million kilometers (our Sun, for example, has a diameter of 1.4 million kilometers). And, they are very far away. The Sun is at a distance of 150 million kilometers from us; the next-closest star is at a distance of 4.3 light-years - over 40 million million kilometers. Finally, just by getting close to a star, you will burn up, since they are extremely hot.

How far away is HAMAL from earth?

This star is about 65 light years from Earth.

How. Far does the stratosphere extend?

the stratosphere is 50 kilometers away from the earth's surface, and the troposphere is 12 kilometers away from earth's surface. that means that the stratosphere is 38 kilometers. Hope i helped!

Is a star with no parralex very close to earth?

No. A star with no visible parallax is far away.

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How far in kilometers is Spica?

It is approx 2.47 quadrillion km.

How far is star to earth kilometers?


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Pollux is about 3.1957665 × 1014 kilometres from us

If the star spica was set in the center of the solar system how far would it extend?

Spica has a radius of about 5,150,400 km whereas the Sun has a radius of 696,000 km. So the "Spica Sun" would extend another 4,454,400 km into the Solar System.

How far away is the polar star?

Polaris, also known as the North Star, is about 434 light years, or about 4.1 quadrillion kilometers, from earth.

Is a red giant star bigger than earth?

Yes. Even the smallest star is many times larger than Earth. Earth is a bit more than 12,000 kilometers across. A red giant star is far larger with a diameter of 20 to 100 million kilometers (20,000,000 to 100,000,000).

How far is Spica?

260 light-years

How far is the closest star?

About 150 million kilometers.

How far from earth is the ionosphere?

274 kilometers from the earth exactly.

How far is the ionosphere from earth's surface?

274 kilometers from the earth exactly.

How far is the distance of earth to venuz?

4,188,744 kilometers.

How far is Callisto from Earth in kilometers?

2 km.