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Technically anything over the limit can be ticketed. There is usually a bit of slack given for celebration differences. But if their equipment says anything over the limit, they can issue the citation.

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It depends on the officer, but it is generally believed that you are unlikely to be stopped going 5mph over on roads or 10mph over on highways.

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If you've never gotten a ticket before will your license be suspended?

it depends on what the ticket was for, if it was for a speeding ticket that was five miles over the speed limit then no. if you had a reckless driving then yes

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Exceeding the maximum speed limit in Pennsylvania is 30+ mph over the speed limit. I was going 31 over the speed limit and received a ticket for $190.00. Depending on the area, the ticket could be more or less, but I wouldn't think it would be cheap.

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For a Maryland speeding ticket that is 9 mph over the limit one point will be assessed. If you show for court, the judge will usually give you a probation before judgment and it will not go on your record.

How much would a ticket be if you were going forty over the speed limit in Florida?

Hopefully, enough that you won't do it again.

Can you go 5 over the speed limit in Illinois?

A speed limit is a "limit". There is no "can I go 4 miles over the limit" because that violates the law on which the sign is based! Now, some officers let small infractions like '5 miles over' go without even pulling the driver over. But it IS still a ticket-able offense and if the officer wants to enforce the letter of the law you will get a ticket. By the way, in traffic court, the Judge would get ticked off if a driver tried to argue that 5-over the limit does not warrant a ticket.

How much will your ticket cost going 51 in a 40?

The cost of the ticket would depend on the circumstances and the location. However, on average, a ticket for less than 10 MPH over the speed limit would cost about $90 to $110.

Can you over speed to pass another car?

The speed limit is exactly that. The LIMIT. Driving faster than the limit can get you a ticket. So, No.

How much will your speeding ticket be in Texas for going 41 mph over the limit?

In general for going 41 mph over the limit in Texas, you will get the priviledge of riding in the back of a cruiser. As far as the cost of the ticket itself, it varies depending on where in Texas you received the ticket.

How many points for Missouri speeding ticket 5 miles over the speeding ticket?

In order to get a speeding ticket that takes points of your license in Missouri, you need to be travelling over 5 miles over the speed limit. For a ticket 6 miles or more over the speed limit that is not excessive speeding, 2 or 3 points will be taken depending on whether it is a local, county, or state issued ticket..

How much will speeding ticket for 15-20 mph over limit cost in IL?

The cost of a speeding ticket in Illinois will depend on rate of speed and where you were speeding. A ticket for going 39 mph over the speed limit is $95. If it is in a school zone it climbs to $150. In a construction zone it reaches $375.