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You COULD be pulled over for 1, because it is a LIMIT, but usually you won't get pulled over for less than 3 since the radar detector has a margin of error, of +/-1 mph

but anything over 5 you most probably will get pulled over.

Retired NYPD

anything 5 or over you will definitely get pulled over, even possibly a ticket.

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You can go as fast as you wish. However, the police can issue you a ticket for being one mile an hour over the speed limit.

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The fine amount of a speeding ticket for 18 mph over the limit in Minnesota will depend on the jurisdiction. In most areas the fine is $148 for anything 15 mph and over.

How many points do lose for a fifty dollar speeding ticket?

Rate points are not assigned based on the dollar amount of your ticket. Points are assesed based on the severity of the infraction. Were you going 5 miles over the limit, 10 miles or 20 miles over the limit? The more you exceeded the limit the more points can be assesed. The amount you paid for the ticket is not a factor.

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In order to get a speeding ticket that takes points of your license in Missouri, you need to be travelling over 5 miles over the speed limit. For a ticket 6 miles or more over the speed limit that is not excessive speeding, 2 or 3 points will be taken depending on whether it is a local, county, or state issued ticket..

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it depends on what the ticket was for, if it was for a speeding ticket that was five miles over the speed limit then no. if you had a reckless driving then yes

What will happen if you went over 8 miles over the speed limit?

It depends if you got caught. If you did not get pulled over, nothing will happen but you should not continue doing it. If you got pulled over by an officer there is a good chance that you got a ticket, which you will have a fine for and will have to attend a court date.

How many miles over speed limit to get a ticket speeding in ca?

50 dollars per mile

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How many points do you get in the state of Tennessee for a speeding ticket which is 23 miles over the speed limit?

4 points

How much is a speeding ticket going 14 miles over the limit in Texas?

It depends on the city where you got the citation.

When you get a speeding ticket in Minnesota at how many miles over the limit does it get reported to your insurance?

1 mph over the speed limit. The insurance company will get the information regardless of the speed.

Can you go 5 over the speed limit in Illinois?

A speed limit is a "limit". There is no "can I go 4 miles over the limit" because that violates the law on which the sign is based! Now, some officers let small infractions like '5 miles over' go without even pulling the driver over. But it IS still a ticket-able offense and if the officer wants to enforce the letter of the law you will get a ticket. By the way, in traffic court, the Judge would get ticked off if a driver tried to argue that 5-over the limit does not warrant a ticket.