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Q: How far was it along the Silk Road from Chang an to dunhuang?
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The last stop along the silk road?

xian shaanxi was along the silk road

What are two goods that traveled along the silk road?

2 of the goods that traveled along the Silk Road were silk and Jade.

Was the silk road smooth?

No the Silk Road was not smooth. The Silk road was actually a road that was used for trading. The main item traded along the Silk Road was silk that is why it is called the silk road.

What did people trade at Dunhuang China on the silk road?

I would say silk and things to store or put water in because it was an oasis town and there was a long desert on te way to Rome or anywhere on the silk road

Did the Silk Route pass through western china?

The eastern Silk road passed Luoyang, Chang'an, Dunhuang, Kucha, Kashgar, Taklimakan Desert, Gobi Desert, and the Pamir mountains

How long was the silk road from point Xi'an to Dunhaung?

In the ancient times, it took from to 30 to 35 days to get to Dunhuang from Xian. It is about 1,864 miles.

What did Baghdad trade along the silk road?

Baghdad traded goods and ideas along the silk road.

What was the primary trade route along which Buddhism spread?

The Silk RoadThe Silk Road -Apex Ninja

What geographic features made using the Silk Road difficult?

It costs more money to ship goods along on the Silk Road.

What regions did the Silk Road cross?

Dun Huang, Chang An and some other cities.

Why did trade along the silk road flourish?

People needed silk

How did the discovery in the dunhuang cave help historians?

The discovery in the Dunhuang cave, known as the Mogao caves, provided a treasure trove of ancient manuscripts, paintings, and artifacts that shed light on the history, culture, and beliefs of the Silk Road region. These materials helped historians better understand the exchange of ideas, religions, and cultures that occurred along the Silk Road, as well as provide insights into the daily lives of people living in that region centuries ago.