How did the domestication of the camel help the development of the silk road?
The domestication of the camel played a crucial role in the development of the Silk Road by providing a reliable and efficient mode of transportation across the vast deserts of Central Asia. Camels were well-suited to the harsh conditions of the Silk Road, able to carry heavy loads over long distances without needing much water. This increased the speed and capacity of trade along the route, facilitating the exchange of goods, ideas, and culture between East and West. The camel's ability to travel long distances also helped establish trade networks and cultural exchanges between different civilizations along the Silk Road.
How was early road travel in the northeast different from road travel in the region today?
Oh, dude, back in the day, road travel in the northeast was like a wild west show. I mean, they had these bumpy dirt roads, no GPS, and horse-drawn carriages instead of Teslas. Nowadays, it's all smooth highways, Waze telling you where to turn, and people cutting you off in their Priuses. So, like, yeah, it's definitely less adventurous but probably safer... unless you count road rage, then it's a toss-up.
What landforms are along the silk road?
Some of the landforms along the Silk Road include deserts (such as the Gobi Desert), mountain ranges (such as the Pamir Mountains and Tian Shan), and plateaus (such as the Tibetan Plateau). Rivers like the Yellow River and the Tigris and Euphrates are also significant features along the Silk Road.
What are the major traded goods along the Silk Road?
Besides silk, the Chinese also exported (sold) teas, salt, sugar, porcelain, and spices. Most of what was traded was expensive luxury goods. This was because it was a long trip and merchants didn't have a lot of room for goods. They imported, or brought, goods like cotton, ivory, wool, gold, and silver.
What countries does the Silk Road pass through?
Korea, China, India, Tibet, China, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Kazakhstan, Persia, Iraq, Syria, Turkey and Greece. Not all, and not in order, I am sure.
How did the silk road connect the east and the west?
The silk road is the route which connected China, with Asia Minor and the Mediterranean. It was a great means of joining these different civilizations together, it's main role was economic but its social role appeared as a consequence.
Spread of Islam to these regions was so unique..
Asians and Chinese civilizations are well established and strong in basement, not a recent or new society.. They were well known with their wisdom and spiritual sciences and tradtions. So, they could be considered a developed society with a great deal of knowledge, reason and good discrimination.
So, with their relations with the Arab merchants, they throughly tested their morals and understood their personalities, they are not silly or foolish to deal with dishonest individuals, they are very well experienced merchants and know exactly were they put their money.
The Muslim merchants were among the direct reasons to spread Islam, due to their great Islamic morals in their behaviours. Islam has too many principles & laws to follow in this Field of life as in all the fields of life, this reflects on the Muslim merchants & establishes the Islamic ethics of business which had contributed much in increasing the number of Muslims, the examples on these ethics are too many but I'll give you some :
1. Cheating is forbidden in everything in Islam, including trade. The Prophet Muhammad PBUH said " من غشنا فليس منا",which means " he who cheats does not belong to us " i.e. to Muslims. The story of this saying is that the prophet wanted to rebuke a man who was selling grains & had put the some of them at the bottom of the tumble so that they would be hidden, Muhammad PBUH asked him about the reason behind such a deed, & he said that those grains were wet due to the rain drops & he wanted to harbour them. Then the prophet asked him to put them at the top of the tumble so not to cheat or deceive people & said that great saying.
2. Muhammad PBUH also said ( رحم الله عبداً سمحاً إذا باع، سمحاً إذا اشترى، سمحاً إذا اقتضى)
What means: "Allah be merciful and forgiving for His servant who is tolerant when selling, tolerant when purchasing, forgiving when necessary"
3. Allah says in the Holy Quran what means :
"Allah doth command you to render back your Trusts to those to whom they are due; And when ye judge between man and man, that ye judge with justice: Verily how excellent is the teaching which He giveth you! For Allah is He Who heareth and seeth all things. "
( Quran : chapter 4 : verse 58 )An-Nisa' (Women)
4. Allah says in the Holy Quran what means:
" 1. Woe to those that deal in fraud,-2. Those who, when they have to receive by measure from men, exact full measure,3. But when they have to give by measure or weight to men, give less than due.4. Do they not think that they will be called to account?-5. On a Mighty Day,6. A Day when (all) mankind will stand before the Lord of the Worlds? "
( Quran : chapter 83 : verses 1 - 6 ) Al-Mutaffifin (Defrauding, The Cheats, Cheating)
5. Allah says in the Holy Quran what means:
"O ye who believe! Fear Allah and be with those who are true (in word and deed)"
( Quran : chapter 9 : verse 119 ) At-Tawba (Repentance, Dispensation)
Also, it's good to remind that Muhammad PBUH was called in Mecca by all the people " the sincere, the honest" even before his prophecy.
6. Refer to the questions listed below for more information on Quran Golden Rules and Islam morals.
The Silk road was only a means that let different civilizations meet, Islamic morals of the Muslim merchants was the principal factor in the spread of Islam along the countries which that road passed by.
What country did silkworms go on the silk road?
China developed silk from silkworms, and this process is still used today.
Why did merchants carry must be expensive goods on Silk Road?
They risked their lives to get silk,pepper,rugs,etc. to sell them at their home and get a lot more money and profit for them.
How did the silk road encourage development of china's barren north west region?
The Silk Road or network of trade routes across the Asian continent connected East, South, and Western Asia with the Mediterranean world, as well as North and Northeast Africa and Europe. It encouraged development by opening the lands through trade.
Why did trade along the silk road flourish during the time of Han Kushan Parthian amd Roman empires?
Sik road was the name of a network of trade routes which connected China and India to the eastern Mediterranean and Europe. The main item of trade was silk from China, which was a highly sought after luxury good in the Middle East and in Europe and made China rich. China imported dates, saffron powder and pistachio nuts from Persia; frankincense, aloes and myrrh from Somalia; sandalwood from India; glass bottles from Egypt. Sp[ices and other luxury good also traveled to Europe through these roads.
How did the silk road affect modern society?
Since there were no problems with different languages within the mankind from ancient times, the effects could be great.
Was the Great Silk Road of Han Dynasty a actual road?
The "silk road" was a path that caravans of traders took between China (the then only source of silk) to Europe. Therefore it was not a road as we would know one in the modern sense (fit for wheeled vehicles). The rout was used by caravans of pack animals and merchants went in convoy with armed mercenary guards to protect their goods.
Along the "road" trading cities grew and flourished - goods were moved from trading post to trading post by different merchants rather than from end to end, the journey would have been too long.
There were the equivalent of service stations established along the route, where caravans could stop for breaks in the journey.
What geographical obstacles did the silk road avoid?
The Silk Road avoids the Chagatai Khanate, the Gobi Desert, the Himalayas, and the Caspian Sea.