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Q: How far will a Queen honey bee fly to mate?
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When did they do an experiment on bees causing to killer bees?

First, the so-called 'killer bee' -- more properly called the Africanized honey bee -- is not the result of an experiment that went wrong.The European honey bee is not at its best in tropical conditions and during the 1950s research was started to find a hybrid that would be better suited to the heat. In 1957, in south-east Brazil, 26 Tanzanian honey bee queens (apis mellifera scutellata) accidentally escaped from a research project and mated with local drones. Their offspring have now spread as far as the southern United States and south to the edge of tropical South America. They do not tolerate cold weather well, and this will probably be the limiting factor to further spread.The name 'killer bee' was invented by sensationalist media because they are more defensive than the European honey bee and are more liable to sting. However a sting from an individual Africanized bee is no worse than a sting from a European bee.

Does a lady bug have a tail?

Bees don't have a tail but have 3 parts to their body. They have a head, a thorax and an abdomen. They will search for food up to 1.5km away from their hive but if they are desperate they can travel up to as far away as 8km. A single bee will make an average of 1 teaspoon of honey in it's lifetime. All the worker bees are female but do not reproduce. The Queen bee does that. The Queen bee can lay up to 3000 eggs a day. She mates with the drone bees (which are the only males) by flying up into the sky. All the drones will follow her and the fastest will get the prize of mating with her.

Do honey bees depend on other living things for food?

Bees (Honey Bees) Traditionally, an apiary is a beehive. Know the answer now?bees

What is the name of the place bees are taken to produce more honey?

If you want a technical, scientific term, he is called an "apiarist". An apiologist is some one who studies bees. Any good apiarist (bee keeper) will be well versed in apiology (the study of bees). They practically have to be.

What are African bees?

I think you mean 'Africanized bees'. In the 1950s there was a research project in south-eastern Brazil where they were trying to find a variety or hybrid of honey bees that would be more suitable for a tropical climate. In 1959 some Tanzanian honey bee queens (apis mellifera scutella) were accidentally released. These bred with local Western honey bee drones to produce the Africanized strain -- the so-called 'killer bees'. Their descendants have spread as far north as the southern United States, and as far south as the limits of tropical South America. They are not so tolerant of cold weather as the Western honey bee, and this may limit their spread. Africanized bees are not a good strain for a beekeeper to have because they tend to be less docile and sting more readily. When a bee stings it releases an alarm pheromone at the site of the sting. Africanized bees are also more likely to sting in response to the pheromone, so one sting can lead to more. This is why the sensationalist media coined the term 'killer' bees. The sting of an Africanized bee is, in fact, no different to the sting of a Western honey bee.

Related questions

How far can a bee travel in a hour?

A honey bee can fly up to 50 km in one hour! ~ anonymous

When was the afriacnized honey bee discovered?

In the 1950s 26 Tanzanian honey bee queens (apis mellifera scutallata) escaped from a research establishment in Brazil. They mated with local European (Western) honey bee drones (apis mellifera mellifera) and their offspring have spread as far north as the southern United States, and south to the limits of tropical South America. These are what are called Africanized honey bees.

Does honey attract bees?

It's not as much Honey as Pollen that attracts bee, if there is honey around and bees are far from ther ehive they may rest in the hive that has honey in it or if the is honey bees may make a hive near by because honey means pollen.

What new characters in Mario Kart 7?

So far, Metal Mario, Lakitu (red shell), Honey Queen (AKA Queen Bee from both Super Mario Galaxys) and Wiggler. Although there may be more to be announced, but it's very unlikely because the game is only 2 weeks from being released.

What's new in Mario Kart 7?

So far, Metal Mario, Lakitu (red shell), Honey Queen (AKA Queen Bee from both Super Mario Galaxys) and Wiggler. Although there may be more to be announced, but it's very unlikely because the game is only 2 weeks from being released.

Why are African honey bees called African honey bees?

That they are native to the African continent is the reason why African honey bees are so called.Specifically, the African honey bee (Apis mellifera scutellata) can be found natively in central and much of southern Africa. It faces competition from the Cape honey bee (Apis mellifera capensis) in southernmost South Africa. In turn, it offers competition to introduced European honey bees (Apis mellifera), which are less aggressive all the while producing far more honey.

How long does a bee worker bee live?

One to four (1-4) months is how long a worker bee can live.Specifically, the insect in question (Apis spp) is a non-queen female bee. The worker bee lives 3 days as an egg, 6 as a larva, and 12 as a pupa. Adulthood may add another 3 months to the 21-day lifespan mentioned thus far.

Do killer bees live in Ethiopia?

No. The term 'killer bee' is wrong. It is the result of sensationalist movies and media reports. The correct term is Africanized honey bee, and their sting is no more dangerous than that of the European honey bee. However, they do have a tendancy to sting more readily. The Africanized honey bee is not a species of bee, it is a hybrid, originally from one of 26 Tanzanian honey bee queens (apis mellifera scutella) mating with European drones in south eastern Brazil where research was being undertaken to find a bee better suited to the tropics. The queens had been accidentally released in 1957 and their descendants have spread as far as the southern United States and down into tropical South America. They are less tolerant to cold weather than the European bees and this will probably limit their spread.

When are bee most active and what to do if stung by a bee?

If you say the bees are a time the scout takes to make the workers how far away the food is. If you say a flying insect that can make honey . Bees made a buzzing noise among the flowers

How do the killer bees threaten the rain forests?

They don't threaten the rain forest at all. Honey bees are naturally woodland and forest creatures.Killer bees are more properly called Africanized honey bees. They are the offspring of a number of Tanzanian honey bee queens (apis mellifera scutellata) escaped from a research station in Brazil and mated with wild European honey bee drones (apis mellifera mellifera). They have spread as far north as the southern United States and south to the limits of tropical South America.The only difference between Africanized honey bees and the European honey bee is that they are less docile and sting more readily, hence the name given to them by the sensationalist media.

What do you do if a bee comes near you?

If it is a Honey Bee, simply move away, and do not harm the bee. Do not kill Honey Bees. They provide pollination for our crops and without them the population of the world would starve to death. Honey Bees are not aggressive when away from the hive and unless you step on the bee or otherwise harm it, there is no danger of it stinging you. Hornets and wasps on the other hand are unpredictable and can become aggressive at any time. Move away from any wasp or hornet. If it becomes aggressive then kill it or flee. Move 150 yards away as it will not follow that far. grab a lighter and hair spray and chase the bee down and kill its whole family

When did they do an experiment on bees causing to killer bees?

First, the so-called 'killer bee' -- more properly called the Africanized honey bee -- is not the result of an experiment that went wrong.The European honey bee is not at its best in tropical conditions and during the 1950s research was started to find a hybrid that would be better suited to the heat. In 1957, in south-east Brazil, 26 Tanzanian honey bee queens (apis mellifera scutellata) accidentally escaped from a research project and mated with local drones. Their offspring have now spread as far as the southern United States and south to the edge of tropical South America. They do not tolerate cold weather well, and this will probably be the limiting factor to further spread.The name 'killer bee' was invented by sensationalist media because they are more defensive than the European honey bee and are more liable to sting. However a sting from an individual Africanized bee is no worse than a sting from a European bee.