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Q: How fast does a humming bird beat its wing per second?
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How fast do hummingbirds grow?

It takes about into migrete time for a Humming bird to grow

How does a humming-bird look like?

Tiny and cute (and very fast moving). See one on the link below:

What is humming bird's?

Humming birds are the littlest birds on earth, go to on the left it says images push that type in humming birds and you will see what they look like they fly very fast too 90 flaps in 1 second 5400 flaps in 1 minute, 70 mph.

Whatis the fastest bird?

One of the world's fastest birds is the humming bird. This small bird travels very fast despite it's size. The average speed is 54 mph.

Why do small animals have high heartbeats?

Humming birds hearts beat so fast it's amazing!

How fast is the heart beat of a mocking bird?

i think 1000 beats a minute

What are adaptations of a humming bird?

They have the capability to fly up down, backards, forwards and almoset every other possible direction and they fly VERY fast.

What part of the humming bird's body makes the humming sound?

Because it didn't know the words? They don't hum. Their wings are making the humming sound. The hummingbirds chirp.

Does the humming bird move its whole life?

yes even when theyre asleep theyre flying really fast thats why theyre always running into stuff

What animals has the fastest heartbeat?

Typically many smaller mammals have very fast heartbeats, however the Humming bird has the fastest at 1,200 beats per minute...

No-see-ums can beat their wings how fast?

1000x'ss a second