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Q: How fast does the body lose heat in cold water?
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How fast does the body loose heat in cold water?


Why do feet get cold so fast?

heat leaves your body from your feet and mouth.

Why do you feel cold when you drink cold water?

Our body temperature is high then cold water so when it comes in contact with our body energy in the form of heat is transferred from body to water so it decreases our body temperature and we feel cold.

What is the heat escape lessening position designed to help?

The loss of body heat when in the water

How fast does the body lose heat in water?

25 times faster

Describe how the body can loose heat in conduction convection and radiation?

you are swimming in ice cold water and losing heat. How does heat leave your body?

How do you cool your body?

drink water in heat and put a coat on in the cold

Why do you get cold when you get in a swimming pool?

You feel cold after being in water because you are wet. Your body begins to evaporate the water so that you can become dry again. Where does the energy ( heat ) to evaporate all that water come from? That's right, your body.

Why is your body cold when you hair is wet?

your body is cold because the air around you is colder than the water in a shower or bath unless you are taking a hot bath.---------------------AND when water evaporates it absorbs heat, taking that heat away from you.

How is heat being transfered when you place your finger in the cold beaker why?

If the beaker has a cold water, or something else cold, in it than the heat that is in our finger will run out of you finger into the cold water. This leaves your finger 'empty' of heat, giving you the sensation of being cold. You need to remember that only heat moves. When you are cold you wear a jumper that keeps the heat in your body, not keep the cool out.

Why do we feel cold after bathing?

When we come out of water, our body is covered with water droplets. As the water droplets evaporate, heat is removed from our body as we know that evaporation causes coling thus We fell cold.....

Why do you feel cold after hot water bath?

The hot water on your skin opens your pores, and makes you sweat. The sweat evaporates, taking body heat away - making you feel cold. When your body is cold - you shiver.