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Q: How fast is decomposition in taiga?
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What is the energy flow and the biomass in the taiga ecosystem?

fast energy flow in the biomass

How does temperature affect decomposition of flesh?

hot decomposes fast and cold decomposes slower

Why is siberia taiga swampy answer?

Siberia's taiga regions can be swampy due to the cold and wet climate, which slows down the decomposition of organic matter, creating waterlogged conditions. The long winters freeze the ground, forming permafrost that blocks drainage, leading to boggy areas. Additionally, the flat terrain and high water table contribute to the swampy conditions in parts of Siberia's taiga.

How do air affect the decomposition of food?

If there is a lot of air it will not rot very fast than a small air space.

What are 6 facts about the taiga?

1.The Taiga is prone to wildfires 2.The largest biome 2.Has the fewest animal and plant species than any other biome. 4.The needles keep the coniferous trees warm in the winter Cool tempereatures keep decompisition slow 5.has a spruse goose 6.because of cool temperature in taiga the decomposition there is slow. Undecayed vegetation builds up on the forest floor, making it feel like a sponge. Since decomposition is slow, the soil is thin and lacking in nutrients. Trees grow taller where warmer temperatures allow for faster decompostion or by streams and rivers which carry nutrients from higher ground.

What are taiga parasites?

Taiga is a biome so i am guessing that it is a parasite that lives in Taiga

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What are the extinct plants in the taiga?

What is taiga?

Any joke about the taiga?

what kind of hug do you get in the taiga? -a bear hug

What is the smallest taiga in the world?

the smallest taiga in the world is american taiga 7,500 km

Where is hannah montanna's hair?

in taiga in taiga