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It must fly faster than the speed of sound

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1mo ago

An airplane must fly at speeds equal to or greater than the speed of sound, around 768 mph at sea level, to produce a sonic boom. This creates a shockwave caused by the sudden change in air pressure as the aircraft breaks the sound barrier.

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Q: How fast must an airplane fly in order to produce a sonic boom?
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How fast does an airplane have to be moving to produce a sonic boom with 30 degree celsius?

The speed of sound in air at 30 degrees Celsius is around 354 m/s. To produce a sonic boom, an airplane would have to be traveling at a speed faster than the speed of sound, typically around 1.2 to 1.4 times the speed of sound, depending on various factors such as altitude and aircraft configuration.

An extremely fast airplane can cause an explosive sound called a?

sonic boom as the planes speed exceeds the sound barrier.

How fast does an airplane have to be moving to produce a sonic boom on a day when the temperature is 30 degrees Celsius?

maybe it goes fast and it just hits the cement or ground hard.....

What is a sonic broom?

A sonic boom is when an explosive sound is made by the shock wave of an airplane traveling faster then the speed of sound.

An extremely fast airplane can cause an explosive sound called?

it is known as sonic boom

How fast does an airplane have to be moving to produce a sonic boom on a day when the temperature is at 30 degrees Celsius?

At 30 degrees Celsius, the speed of sound is approximately 349 meters per second. To produce a sonic boom, an airplane must exceed the speed of sound, which is known as Mach 1. So the airplane would need to be moving faster than 349 meters per second in this scenario.

What is created when a airplane travels faster than the speed of sound?

When an airplane travels faster than the speed of sound, it creates a sonic boom. This is a loud noise produced by the shock waves formed as the aircraft exceeds the speed of sound.

Does an airplane traveling twice the speed of sound create two sonic booms?

No. The sonic boom will be created by any speed that is greater than the speed of sound.

Can any commercial passenger airplane cause a sonic boom?

No, commercial passenger aircraft are designed to avoid creating sonic booms by maintaining subsonic speeds. Sonic booms are produced when an aircraft exceeds the speed of sound (approximately 767 mph at sea level), which is not typical for commercial flights.

Where to get sonic boom?

you can get sonic boom at game stop

How do you use the word sonic in a sentence?

You could use the word sonic in a sentence by saying "Wow, that plane just created a sonic boom."Edit: When whales "sing," they produce sonic patterns that can be heard for many miles underwater.

Can a car produce a sonic boom?

No, cars cannot produce a sonic boom. Sonic booms are the result of an object traveling faster than the speed of sound, which is approximately 767 mph at sea level. Cars typically do not reach these speeds.