

How fish learn to swim?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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Fish are born to swim, they learn naturally like we learn how to walk

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Q: How fish learn to swim?
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How do fish learn to swim?

Fish are born with the innate abilty to swim; it is not learned, it is hard wired into them.

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for drinks and bath and to learn how t swim

Why penuin swim so fast?

They had to learn to in order to be able to catch the fish they mainly live on.

Is it true that fish can swim?

Yes fish can swim.

Are there fish that swim upward?

Fish can swim in any direction.

What is a fish that can swim?

A catfish would be an example of a fish that can swim.

What is the swim bladder in a fish?

to help the fish swim and float

What fish doesnt swim?

the only fish that doesn't swim is none. only the mudskipper can go on land

Which fish is not swim in ponds?

One fish that should not swim in ponds is the Stonefish.

Why is the ability to swim an inherited trait in a fish but a learne trait in a human being?

The ability to swim is a survival trait in fish, they instinctively know how to swim because they cannot survive otherwise. Therefore only fish that know how to swim can pass on their genes to the next generation. Humans may also have an inherent ability to swim. Babies have the ability to swim when they are very young - a reflex. However, they cannot surface for air by themselves. They later lose this ability and need to learn how to swim at a later stage.

Why is the ability to swim an inherited trait in a fish but a learned trait in human beings?

Fish have evolved over millions of years to have specialized adaptations for swimming, making it an instinctual behavior. Humans, on the other hand, do not have the physiological structures for swimming and must learn the skills and techniques through practice and experience. Swimming is not a necessary survival behavior for humans in the same way it is for fish.

Can pikes swim?

Pikes are a breed of fish.... all fish can swim !