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Q: How forces effect the behavior of matter?
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Forces of attraction have a stronger effect on the behavior of liquid particles.

Do forces of attraction have a stronger effect on the behavior of the particles in a gas or liquid?


Do forces attraction have a stronger effect on the behavior of the particles in a gas or in a liquid?


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santi, santi, santi, and peanuts. Source: Santi

Who study forces and motion?

Both physicists and engineers who are investigating the field of mechanics study motion, forces and energy, and the effect of these on matter.

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Thorndike's law of effect?

The frequency of a behavior is the result of the behavior's consequences, or the effect of the behavior

What is invisible force?

An invisible force is a force that cannot be seen with the naked eye but still has an effect on objects in the physical world. Examples include gravity, magnetism, and electrostatic forces. These forces play a crucial role in governing the behavior of particles, matter, and energy in the universe.

How do forces related to matter?

forces hold matter together

How do forces relate matter?

forces hold matter together

When do you say emotions and motives moving forces of behavior?

Emotions and motives move the forces of behavior. It is because a person with better emotions will have better behavior.