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The only info that's currently known regarding Pokémon Black and Pokémon White is that it takes place in the Isshu region and that 1 of the major cities in the region is called Hiun City. 5 new Pokémon have been revealed with their Japanese names being Tsutaja, Pokeabu, Mijumaru, Zorua and Zoroark. Tsutaja, Pokabu and Mijumaru are the region's Starter Pokémon. For more information regarding Pokémon Black and Pokémon White, please see the Related Links section down below.


Wrong. Its been revealed its called the Unova region and the English Name for Hiun City is Castelia City and all of the Pokemon have been revealed now and so far the English name for the starters in Snivy(grass starter), Oshawott(water starter), and Tepig(fire starter)

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13y ago

It's been called the best game from the Pokemon series... so very fun.

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11y ago

In my opinion, Pokemon Black 2 is a lot of fun.

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Who are the mascots of Pokemon Black and White?

Zekrom (Pokemon White) and Reshiram (Pokemon Black).

Is there any Pokemon after black and white?

There are no pokemon after pokemon blACK and white but there will be more pokemon games in the future.

Where do you battle trapinch in Pokemon Black and White?

If you have Pokemon White Virsion then you can in white forest, if you have Pokemon Black Virsion then you must trade it from Pokemon White

Where can you find celbi in Pokemon Black and White?

You cannot find Celebi in-game in Pokemon Black and White. You must get it from the Pokemon Black and White Tour.

How many games did Pokemon Black and White 2 sell?

4 because the sell pokemon white and pokemon black and know they sell pokemon white 2 and pokemon black 2

Related questions

Why is the new game Pokemon black based on the white Pokemon Reshiram and Pokemon white based on Zekrom?

there is no "good" reason for that. just for fun. but i think Nintendo did that just because black looks better on white instead black on black (else you have a big black picture)

What is the password for the plasma frigate on Pokemon Black 2?

The password can vary between 2202, 7707, 9909, or the names of the legendary pokemon in black and white 2. Have fun. Pokemon black and white 2 is a great game.

Where is black city in Pokemon White?

Same place as white forest in Pokemon black... nowhere. Pokemon black has black city, Pokemon white has white forest.

Where is the white forest in Pokemon Black and white version?

Nowhere. you can find the Black city in pokemon black and White forest in pokemon white. YOu can't got to the white forest in pokemon black

What is better Pokemon HeartGold or Pokemon Black?

Pokemon black by far. but if you have a choice between Pokemon black or Pokemon white get white. you can get more Pokemon in white than black , plus there is white forest and you can get rare Pokemon there i think

Is Pokemon black fun?

yes in black you can get a legendary pokemon called reshiram and in white you can get a legendary pokemon called zekrom both are same but there are some minor differences, like different places to explore i slightly suggest white over black but its just my opinion :D

Does Pokemon White you find Zekrom and black you find the white Pokemon?

Yes. You find zekrom in Pokemon white and the white Pokemon in Pokemon black.

Which Pokemon game has black city in it?

Pokemon Black has Black city. Pokemon White has White forest

Can you get both lengdary Pokemon in Pokemon Black and White?

no. you can get the white one in black and the black one in white.

Is dewott in Pokemon Black or white?

Yes, the Pokemon Dewott is in Pokemon Black and White.

Is Zekrom on Pokemon black or Pokemon White version?

Pokemon white reshiram is on black

Who are the mascots of Pokemon Black and White?

Zekrom (Pokemon White) and Reshiram (Pokemon Black).