

How goldfish reproduce?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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14y ago

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They spawn in amongst the plant life at the surface of their pond/aquarium etc.

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Q: How goldfish reproduce?
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What are the reproductive organs in goldfish called?

Female goldfish have ovaries to produce eggs, and reproduce externally. Male goldfish have internal testes, and they also reproduce externally.

Do goldfish have to mate to lay eggs?

Of course! Goldfish reproduce sexually not asexually

When goldfish reproduce is it sexual or asexual?


Does a guppy and a goldfish reproduce in the same manner?

No, a guppy is a livebearing fish, and a goldfish is egg laying.

Do pregnant goldfish lose any scales before they give birth?

No, goldfish reproduce using external fertilization; goldfish are never pregnant.

Can a goldfish lay eggs?

Yes. Laying eggs is how they reproduce.

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Goldfish use external fertilization to reproduce so pregnancy in a goldfish is impossible.

Can a betta and a goldfish reproduce?

In a word, no. It would be like mating a hummingbird with a wombat...

Can goldfish reproduce even not during spring?

Goldfish can be spawned at any time of the year simply by controlling their lighting, food and water temperatures. This involves study and knowhow.

How many eggs goldfish lay?

On people bummy bummy bum bum's and then people poo them out. :) thanks! I hope i have helped you :)

How do black moors reproduce?

Spring time is the breeding season for goldfish. During this time female goldfish will put on weight, and male goldfish will develop breeding tubercles (white dots on the head and gills). Goldfish may chase each other around the habitat in an effort to find a mate. When a male and female goldfish choose a mate the female will release her eggs onto the breeding ground (such as an aquatic plant, or breeding mop). The male goldfish will then release a cloud of Milt (sperm). The milt thus fertilizes the eggs, and goldfish fry begin to form within the eggs. The goldfish eggs will continue to develop for several days until they eventually hatch into fry. The fry will then grow into fully developed goldfish overtime. These goldfish will eventually reproduce, and thus continue the life cycle.

Will goldfish kill small koi?

If the Koi is large enough it may well eat a goldfish fry but Goldfish and Koi are not fighting type fish so they do not normally bite one another.