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They fly things to other countries across the sea ect.

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Q: How goods move in china?
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What does Russia use to move goods from one port to another?

Boats and ships. They usaully traded with China.

Did China produce goods?

Yes, China did produce goods.

Did the Grand Canal affect trades in china?

Large amounts of goods were carried on the Grand Canal. It allowed the Chinese to move goods from agricultural areas to cities.

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What percentage of goods from the US imported from china?

40% of goods are imported from China to US

What it means that the British had an unfavorabe trade balance in China?

It means that the British were importing more goods from China than they were exporting goods to China.

Where are the goods imported from?

From China (:

What does Australia trade with China?

The economies of China and Australia are strongly complementary. Australia exports agricultural goods to China, while China exports electronic goods to Australia.

What are the countries that China export its goods to?

china exports it's goods to many countries. just to name a few: AMERICAS, ASIA, CHINA, so on and so forth!

Who does China export goods to?


Does china sell more raw materials or manufactured goods?

Manufactured goods!!!

What problems there are with china's goods?

Nothing there perfect that's why we buy their goods right?