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Q: How had the US taken over Britain in becoming world econonic superpower?
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Why might reaching a peace treaty have taken so long?

The Treaty of Paris of 1783 gave the united states independence from great Britain.

What are the differences between the French and British systems of colonial rule in Africa regarding direct and indirect rule?

They reflect the different government systems in France and Britain. France centralized, Britain decentralized. France secular and disregarding local religions. Britain assuming that local peoples have a faith. French decisions taken in Paris. Decision making taken at a lower and local level in British colonies. Imposition of the Code Civil by France. Tolerance of local laws except in the case of killing and outrageous punishments or customs (e.g. stoning,suttee) by the British. Assimilation of local elites by the French. Assumption that Africans would remain African by the British.

How did India gain its independence from great Britain?

Within two years of the end of World War II, India gained its independence from Great Britain through a wide variety of factors. The primary factors were two in number, however. First was the decades-long struggle of Gandhi and other Indian leaders to demonstrate to the British the senselessness of trying to control a nation of people that was ready for independence. Second was the toll that the war had taken on Great Britain, which lacked the resources and perhaps even the will to retain imperial control of such a large, independence-minded region as India.

Where were slaves from africa taken?

During the Triangular Slave Trade, ships departing from Britain docked on the coast of western Africa where they purchased slaves. After getting their human cargo, these ships set sail for the Americas. Slaves either went to the thirteen colonies or Caribbean islands to be sold.

What is a trip taken with the goal of exploring?

An expedition is a trip taken with the goal of exploring.

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Can you get the game superpower 2 as an app on an ipod touch?

Yes, search on the app store "superpower 2". It costs 10$ and has a lot of features taken out to support iPod touch.

What is Britain's rank as a world superpower?

It was number one: but those days are long, long gone. The British still have some powers in the world, some influence, but it is a pale shadow of the days of Empire & sending gunboats hither & thither. Economically the British paid heavily for the two world wars. The idea of Britain & Superpower in the same sentence is not a 21st century concept. (& yes, I am British) But in recent polls we have over taken USA on the economy front and USA call themselves 'the' superpower also we have an armed forces ranked 4th after China, USA and believe it or not France. (and I am also a British subject of her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II)

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Where was Saint Patrick taken?

Patrick was taken from Britain to Ireland by pirates as a slave.

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No, Nero already had Britain. His stepfather, Claudius, had taken possession of Britain in 43.

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The katipunan discovery

Did the holocaust take place in Britain?

no, the channel islands were taken and some Jews were deported, but attrocities were not committed in Britain.

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What Chinese island was taken over by Britain in 1842?

Hong Kong

What were the reasons for entering the war?

so they can help out britain and not get taken over

Who has invaded Britain and what did they contribute?

6 invasions have taken place in Britain. The Celts, Romans, Anglo Saxons, vikings, normans and dutch.