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Q: How has Beka Lamb change from a flat rate Creole to a person with high mind?
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Who was beka in Beka Lamb?

Beka Lamb is Bill Lam and Lilla Lamb daughter.

What does Mrs Lamb mean when she says Beka has changed from flat-rate Belize creole into a person from high mind?

she means that beka changed from someone who didnt really care about her school work to somebody who became very smart and did well in school

''Beka changed from a flat rate Belize creole into a person of high mind'' what does this mean?

This phrase likely means that Beka evolved from being simple or lacking depth to becoming intellectually sophisticated or refined. It suggests that Beka's character has undergone significant personal growth or transformation.

Who was bill lamb in the novel Beka Lamb?

Bill Lamb is the father of Beka Lamb in the novel. He is basiccally the breadwinner of the family with an extreme temper.

When was Beka Lamb created?

Beka Lamb was created in 1982.

what happened in chapter 6 of beka lamb?

Set in Belize City in the early 1950s, Beka Lamb is the record of a few months in the life of Beka and her family. Beka and her friend Toycie Qualo are on the threshold of change from childhood to adulthood.

What is Beka Lamb about?

Beka Lamb is the debut novel Belizean author

How many pages does Beka Lamb have?

Beka Lamb has 172 pages.

Chapter 12 in Beka Lamb?

a sammary tells us part of the story of beka lamd and her family

Who is the author of Beka Lamb?

The writer of the novel "Beka Lamb" is Zee Edgell.

Who is the illustrator of Beka Lamb?

I am sorry you must be confused as she is a person not a drawing :/

Social class in Beka Lamb?

Bill Lamb is considered to be Beka's Father and Lilla Lamb's husband in the novel, Beka Lamb. He has good intentions but could be seen as harsh as he calls Beka words like fake and phony.