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The theory of evolution by natural selection, which is the cornerstone of Biology, is the basis for immunology, evolutionary biology, ecology, biological anthropology, neurology, evolutionary development and a host of other scientific disciplines. The testable hypotheses that evolutionary theory generates reaches as far as astronomy and Lee Smolin's concept about evolving universes.

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Q: How has Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection influenced scientific thinking in the modern world?
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Darwin read "Principles of Geology" by Charles Lyell during his voyage on the Beagle. This book influenced Darwin's thinking on the gradual change of landscapes over time, which later contributed to his theory of evolution by natural selection.

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Charles Lyell's book "Principles of Geology" influenced Darwin by introducing him to the concept of gradual change over long periods of time, which aligned with his ideas of natural selection and evolution. Lyell's emphasis on the slow and steady processes of geological change provided Darwin with evidence and a framework to support his theory of evolution by natural selection. Darwin recognized the importance of Lyell's theories in shaping the environment in which species evolved, helping him develop his own ideas on the mechanisms of evolution.

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Lyell's book "Principles of Geology" influenced Darwin by introducing him to the idea of gradual changes in Earth's landscape over long periods of time. This concept sparked Darwin's thinking about how species could also change over time through natural selection, which eventually led to the development of his theory of evolution.

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The Enlightenment influenced Japanese thinking during the Meiji Restoration.

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All scientific thinking begins with a theory. Then it goes off of facts.

Are you in favor of Darwin's theory of evolution?

It does not matter to the truth whether I am in favor of it or not. The theory of evolution by natural selection is not only no longer Darwin's it is supported by myriad line of converging evidence and explains much about the fact of evolution. No other explanation comes close. The question is ill posed and smacks of religious thinking that does not understand science or even logical analysis.

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The scientific term for being afraid of thinking or thoughts is phronemophobia.

How did fundamentalist beliefs lead to the scopes trial?

these belief led to reject Charles Darwin's of evolution