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Atticus has proven his credibility to the jury through his professionalism, integrity, and fairness in his handling of the case. He has demonstrated his deep knowledge of the law, his respect for all individuals involved, and his commitment to seeking justice, which has earned him the trust and respect of the jury.

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Q: How has atticus proven his credibility to the jury?
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Atticus is able to get the jury to think about mayellas motivation for lying?

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In a bench trial, yes. In a jury trial, this is up to the jury.

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yes, true

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Only in the Court of Law, however if a person is found guilty, outside the court it would vary from person to person, needless to say you would lose trust from a few people.

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What assumption does Atticus fear the jury will make?

Atticus fears that the jury will make the assumption that Tom Robinson is guilty primarily because he is a black man accused of assaulting a white woman, despite the lack of credible evidence supporting the accusation. He worries that racial prejudice will cloud the jury's judgment and prevent them from delivering a fair verdict.

How does atticus explain his decision to have allowed mr. Cunningham to sit on the jury?

Atticus says he allowed Mr. Cunningham to sit on the jury because Cunningham was a good man. Atticus also explained that women couldn't be on the jury because they're too frail, and would probably ask too many questions.

What areas does Atticus cover in the beginning of his questioning?

At the beginning of his questioning, Atticus focuses on establishing Mayella Ewell's background and relationship with her father, Bob Ewell. He also explores the circumstances leading up to the incident, trying to uncover the truth behind the accusations against Tom Robinson. Additionally, Atticus challenges the credibility of the witnesses and highlights inconsistencies in their testimonies.