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Q: How has hot spot in Yellowstone region given clues about movement of North American plate?
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How has the Yellowstone region given clues about the movement of the north American plate?

due to the hotspots spothot

What region is Yellowstone park in?

West of north ameerica

What region is Yellowstone National Park in?

West of north ameerica

On what continent is Yellowstone located?

Yellowstone National Park is located in Wyoming in the United States of America.

What is the geological similarity between the hawaiian islands and the Yellowstone national park region of north America?

all with volcano?

What are Yellowstone volcano's?

The Yellowstone volcano is well withing the boundaries of the North American plate. It formed over a hot spot rather than a plate boundary.

What are yellowstone volcanoes plates?

The Yellowstone volcano is well withing the boundaries of the North American plate. It formed over a hot spot rather than a plate boundary.

What way are the plates moving in Yellowstone?

Yellowstone is in the middle of the North American Plate, not at a boundary between plates. The geothermal activity in Yellowstone is due to its being on top of a vigorous hot spot that is powering a very large mid-plate volcano.

Is Yellowstone in the middle of a continent?

Yes. Yellowstone is in the middle of North America.

The north American region that is the largest and the least densely settled is the?

The Northern Frontier is the North American region that is the largest. It is also the least densely settled area as well.

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north american rituals

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