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By having all the boys against Ralph making him the outcast now. And since jack knows the boys are scared and want to feel protected and belonged and ralph doesn't provide any protection against the beast. Jack also makes Ralph look really bad like a beast making the boys go against Ralph.

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Jack has probably spread fear and doubt among the boys by convincing them that Ralph cannot protect them. By manipulating their emotions and creating a sense of chaos and insecurity, Jack has likely made Ralph appear as the new or next beast in order to solidify his own power and control.

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Q: How has jack probably made Ralph into the new or next beast?
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What was Jack's answer when Ralph asked why he hated him?

Jack made no reply to Ralph's question and when Ralph turned away and led the boys towards the mountain Jack was at the back of the bunch glowering and brooding.

What 2 groups with differing goals are emerging?

When the conflict between Ralph and Jack gets bigger, the boys devide in two groups: Jack's and Ralph's group. the first one is more savage than the other. Ralph's group is only made up of Ralph, Simon, Piggy, Samneric and some of the little ones.

How do Ralph and jack differences in they way that they talk to the littleness?

Ralph speaks to the littluns in a kind and reassuring manner, encouraging them to be brave and cooperative. Jack, on the other hand, tends to be more authoritative and intimidating, using fear to control them. This reflects their contrasting leadership styles and priorities in the novel.

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I believe Jack became so much more popular then Ralph because, He tapped into the children's fear of the beast, and their own inner evil and corruption(a central theme in the book) to coerce them into following him.

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Jack and Roger have sharpened a stick at both ends to hunt and kill Ralph. Their plan is to hunt Ralph like they did with the sow, to terrify him and flush him out. Samneric warn Ralph that they are being hunted and that Jack's tribe will sharpen a stick at both ends and have Roger guard the way in.

In lord of the flies why is Jack chosen to be the leader?

Ralph told him he could be the leader of the choir boys and then he made his own group of only himself until people from Ralph's side went to Jack's side. :)

What brings about the break between Jack and the other boys?

In a single word the cause of the break between jack and the other boys is... Jack. After the hunt for the beast Jack proclaims, at the meeting, that Ralph had accused the hunters of being cowards. This is a blatant lie but Jack, in his power obsessed mind, seems to think that the other boys will not only believe his accusation but will also obey his call to take the leadership away from Ralph and bestow it on himself. The other boys are embarrassed by Jack's lies and his naked and obvious attempt to grasp power. They therefore remain silent when Jack demands a vote to overthrow Ralph. Jack, who knows he has crossed a line which cannot be retraced realises that he has made his own position untenable, so he walks away, alone.

Why does Ralph ask Jack why he hates him?

because he feels that keeping the fire going is far more important than hunting. Jack has the desire to rule and Ralph stands in his way. Jack, even in the beginning of the book, Jack wants to be chief. He nominates himself but is rejected as their leader in favor of Ralph, which sparks the flame of hate. Ralph does stand in his way but it's more that Ralph, for no honestly valid reason, was picked instead of Jack. On the mountain when they saw the Beast (the parachuter, in actuality), Ralph stops, leading Jack further to believe that Ralph is a coward and doesn't deserve to be chief. He sees it as unfair, which angers him and makes him hate Ralph for getting what probably seems like benefits when he "hasn't earned them." Later, even when Ralph begins to lose power and Jack proposes that he replace the "chief", he is still rejected. This brings him to tears and angers him so much that he decided to make his own separate community. Even then, others still chose to stay with Ralph. No matter how hard Jack tried, Ralph always seemed to be more able to win others over, leaving Jack with very little power, especially compared to his position at the very beginning of the book as leader of the choir boys. He was always obeyed by them, and didn't like the change. Essentially, he hated Ralph because he saw the position Ralph had as undeserved and unfair. It felt to him like he'd been stripped of his position and replaced with someone who he thought was less capable. It made him hate Ralph.

Why do the boys refuse to vote for Jack as chief but slip off to join him later?

The boys are asked by Jack to vote against Ralph but it is only too plain to them that Ralph has done nothing wrong and that Jack simply wants to be leader, even to the point of lying about Ralph. The boys are embarrassed by Jack's behaviour and refuse to be party to his obvious attempt to overthrow Ralph in favour of himself. Later however the boys join Jack for the fun of hunting in preference to the rules and work involved in building shelters and maintaining the fire, which they feel is all that Ralph has to offer.

What group with differing goals are emerging?

When the conflict between Ralph and Jack gets bigger, the boys devide in two groups: Jack's and Ralph's group. the first one is more savage than the other. Ralph's group is only made up of Ralph, Simon, Piggy, Samneric and some of the little ones.

Jack plans to sacrificial offering to the beast what does he offer?

I don't know whether Jack planned the offering but after the sow was killed close to Simon's 'secret place' Jack left its guts and its head, mounted on a stick as an offering to the beast. Later, when he had made his headquarters at castle Rock, Jack gave is tribe advise on how they should deal with the beast and suggested that they should, "give it the head if you go hunting."

What are 3 of Ralph's first decisions as chief and why are they important?

Ralph's first decision, after being elected leader, was to confirm that Jack was still in charge of the choir. His second decision was to allow Jack to choose what he wanted the choir's role to be, Jack said, 'Hunters.' Ralph's third decision was to light a signal fire on the top of the mountain. Lighting a fire was a very important decision and was the only realistic action which the boys could take to increase the possibility of their being rescued. The fire and all it represented became the cornerstone of Ralph's future policies and encapsulated all he stood for. Ralph first two decision were made in a gesture of friendship and consolation towards Jack. While that might have seemed a good idea at the time those two decision were probably the worse decisions that Ralph ever made in his life and they came back to haunt him. By giving Jack power it didn't console him at all, it merely fed his desire for more power. Ralph gave Jack a ready made audience of followers for his alternative society. He also gave them the excuse to hunt and kill pigs, allowing Jack and his followers to avoid constructive jobs in favour of enjoying themselves and indulging in violent and savage activities.