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Q: How has lenina benefited from her association with bernard and the savage?
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Where do Bernard Marx and Lenine Crowne plan to visit in brave new world?

The Savage Reservation. Lenina decides to accpet Bernard Marx's invitation after discussing Henry with Fanny.

Who is Ariel from the book brave new world?

BErnard Marxx.... she realizes the unfairness and flaws of the society

Who are the main characters in The Lost World?

the main character in brave new world is the individual. The common answers are Bernard Marx, John the savage, or Lenina. But Huxley was mainly try to reach the reader as the individual when he wrote the book.

What happens between Lenina and john in brave new world?

Lenina and John develop feelings for each other in "Brave New World," but their perspectives and expectations about relationships clash due to their different upbringings and conditioning. Lenina sees love and physical intimacy as casual and liberating, while John desires a deep emotional connection and believes in the sanctity of love. This ultimately leads to a tragic and heartbreaking end for both characters.

Why does lenina have difficulty adjusting to the savage society?

because this is the first time she has been exposed to it and it's very different from what she's used to

What is lenina thinking about when she makes a mistake at work what is the result of her mistake years later?

Lenina is thinking about her date with Bernard as she makes a mistake at work, leading her to dispense excessive doses of soma to the Deltas. Years later, she becomes emotionally unstable and experiences a mental breakdown due to repressed emotions and the consequences of her actions catching up with her.

How are Bernard and Helmholtz alike in Brave New World?

Bernard and Helmholtz are both dissatisfied with the society in Brave New World and seek deeper meaning and individuality. They both possess a desire for authentic experiences and emotions, which sets them apart from the rest of the conformist society. Bernard and Helmholtz both struggle with their place in the world and with conforming to societal norms.

How are Bernard Linda and the Savage alike?

Bernard, Linda, and the Savage are all outsiders in their respective societies. They all struggle with feeling like they do not belong and experience feelings of alienation. Additionally, they all question and reject certain aspects of their society's values and norms.

What does Mustapha Mond sign and stamp for Bernard?

Mustapha Mond signs and stamps Bernard's request to visit the Savage Reservation. Not everyone is allowed to go; Bernard is permitted because he is an Alpha and is conducting psychological research there. The DHC also must sign the permit.

How does Bernard humiliate the director?

Bernard humiliates the Director by revealing his true parentage and that he is an illegitimate child born in the Savage Reservation. This revelation goes against the rigid social norms of the World State and undermines the Director's authority and reputation.

How does bernard become such an important and popular figure in brave new world?

Bernard becomes important in "Brave New World" due to his conflicting views and behaviors in a society that promotes conformity. His individuality and desire for genuine human connections stand out, leading others to both admire and question him. People are drawn to Bernard because he challenges the norms of their world, sparking curiosity and intrigue.

What labor union represents Savage Arms?

International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers, IAM 1420