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"You used to call me on my flip phoneee late night when you need my tacos. Cause I know when the bell rings. That can be my tacos ready."

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Q: How has nail polish changed over the years?
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How do you get nail polish off without nail polish remover?

Paint it over a new nail polish and wipe it right away

Besides remover what can take nail polish off?

You can use a nail file and rub over the polish.

What is the purpose of dry nail polish?

Clear nail polish is great if you want your nails to look shiny and feel smooth without actually wearing a colored nail polish. Also, applying clear nail polish over a nail polish color you are wearing preserves the colored nail polish for a longer amount of time.

What nail polish is the best to buy?

I think its color zone or Avon nailwear pro with crackle nail polish over it

What should you do when you use nail polish remover?

Get a ball of cotton and put it over the bottle. Tip it so the cotton ball absorbs the nail polish remover. Then wipe off the nail polish.

How do you get nail polish off material?

Either nail polish remover, or rubbing alcohol. Both work.

How do you remove blue nail polish on a black material?

you can color it over black? or you can try to take it off with nail polish remover.

Can nail polish damage your nail?

Over long periods of time, nail polish can possibly damage a nail. Wearing nail polish constantly does not let the nail breathe and the nail can turn a yellow color. As long as you make sure to let your nails breathe once in a while, you should be fine!

What can you use instead of white out?

What you could do is take a piece of paper and glue it over your mistake or if you have white nail polish handy you could use the nail polish lightly over your mistake

Do they sell acetone over the counter?

Yes, nail polish remover.

What can be a replacement for nail polish remover when getting an acrylic?

water&nail polish remover&vinegar- Wash the nail after/before acrylic,wipe it with nail polish remover&if there is some stainge left over,wash your nails with vinegar then wipe them dry and wash with water.Hope this solves your problem x

How do you put on crackle nail polish?

put a thin layer of it on your nails, usually over another coat of regular nail polish, wait about 5 seconds and it will start to "crackle"