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Prayer isn't allowed in schools.

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Q: How has school prayer affected schools in America?
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Who initiated the process of taking out of school?

if you mean taking prayer out of school, i think that would be madalyn murray o'hair, but it should be noted that she didn't remove prayer from schools, she removed mandatory teacher or state lead prayer. which going against the constitution of the united state of america

Was Liberal People's against prayer in schools?

yes liberals are against prayer in school and conservatives are for it

What amendment banned prayer from the school?

The First Amendment Establishment Clause has been used to ban organized prayer in public schools.

Are organized prayer sessions allowed in public schools?

In my school, it is allowed, and they have it every day. But it's not in all schools, as you probably know.

What was the name of the woman who started the movement to have prayer taken out of schools?

Madeline Murray O'Hare But, it wasn't a campaign to remove prayer from schools. It was a campaign to remove FORCED prayer from schools. Anyone who wishes to may pray in a public school, really. This is totally legal and constitutionally protected. What was not constitutionally protected was having teachers or school officials conduct a prayer session. To the best of my knowledge, no one has ever seriously attempted to make praying in a school illegal.

Why is prayer not allowed in some schools?

It is most likely that the headmaster of some schools considers that time spent in prayer would be better spent in learning something. A school is a school not a church. There used to be prayer in school, but then this whole "Politically Correct" thing came along and now you can't pray in school because you might offend someone else ofa different religion. plus the school could get sued for teaching children of a different religion about Christianity and prayer.

Do you think there should be prayer in the public schools?

No, because there could be some relign in the school that does not pray

Do you agree to have prayer in school?

No. My opinion is that prayer should not be part of our schools. I raised 5 children through the public school system and I believe religion should be kept in the church or in the privacy of your home.

What is the importance of prayer in Catholic schools?

Yes, but Catholics also believe that everyone should have the right to practice their own religion. In Catholic schools, there is prayer everyday, and Catholics believe that in public schools where there are kids of all different religions, they should have the freedom to pray or not.

What are the statistics of violence before and after prayer was taken out of schools?

There is no direct correlation between the removal of prayer from schools and an increase in violence. Multiple factors contribute to levels of violence, including societal changes, access to resources, and individual behavior. It is essential to consider the complexity of these issues rather than attributing changes solely to the elimination of prayer in schools.

Does The Bill of Rights explicitly prohibit prayer in public schools?

No. Nothing in the Constitution prohibits prayer in any location. The Bill of Rights just states that people have the right of religion without the state interfering. The idea that schools don't allow prayer is bunk. A student can pray if they wish and can have a religious club on campus, but the school can't do a morning prayer over the intercom system. The problem is whose prayer would they do? If we are to respect all and allow all their religion then school having a morning prayer would be against the constitution and others rights. Someone out of the many hundreds of students in a school would have their rights "stepped on" with a prayer done by the school.

Which type of school is most likely affected by violence?

large inner-city schools