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Q: How has superstition affected the church's message according to erasmus?
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Why was erasmus important?

Desiderius Erasmus gained fame throughout 16th-century Europe for his scholarly and popular writings, including pointed, witty criticisms of civil rulers, the clergy and religious superstition.

Who was erasmus and how were his ideas about Christianity affected by humanism?

He went to school and got all A's !

What did Erasmus criticize in the praise of folly?

Erasmus criticized the corruption and hypocrisy of the clergy, the excessive focus on wealth and power within society, and the blind adherence to tradition and superstition. He used the character of Folly to satirize these aspects and call for a reform of the church and society.

According to erasmus what should be the chief concerns of the Christian church?

It's in the bible! Care for widows and orphans. Churches are the biggest non profits and most have beautiful facilities raking in tons of tax free cash. Churchs should: 1. Care for widows 2. Care for orphans That is in the bible. Simple, plain and clear.

Who was the author of In Praise of Folly?

the author of "in praise of folly" is Desiderius Erasmus

How did Erasmus Desiderius die?

Dysentery according to the following link

Was Erasmus a Jew?

No. Erasmus was a Catholic Priest.

When was Erasmus born?

Erasmus was born on October 27, 1466.

When was Erasmus Prize created?

The Erasmus Prize was created in 1958.

How did Erasmus die?

Erasmus died from dysentery during the night.

How did Desiderius Erasmus show renaissance?

Desiderius Erasmus in 1523 as depicted by Hans Holbein the Younger, known as Erasmus of Rotterdam, or simply Erasmus, was a Dutch Renaissance humanist.

When was Ecclesiastes of Erasmus created?

Ecclesiastes of Erasmus was created in 1535.