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It has been used to depict a message or a feeling

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Q: How has texture proved essential to many cultural art forms?
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What are some forms of slave contrlol?


Examine how scientific and technological changes and new forms of energy brought about massive social economic and cultural change?

don't be stupid put in realistic answers.

What was new about the writing system develpoed by Phoenicians and why was this important to the growth of knowledge and spread of ideas?

It was an alphabetic script which was more accurate and usable then the syllabic and pictographic writings in use. It proved so useful in communicating and recor keeping that it was adopted and adapted by the Greeks and Romans, and so forms the basis of our alphabets today.

What are all the forms of to be?

Arial, Futura and Courier are all forms of what?

How did eastern hemisphere dominate western hemisphere?

This is one of the most difficult and important questions in human history. At this point we only have theories. The two most cogent ones are "geographic determinism" and "cultural hegemony". Geographic Determinism contends that Europeans had an advantage due to the physical orientation of the continents, the prevalence of domesticable flora and fauna, and other similar non-human characteristics. This view is most famously espoused by Dr. Jared Diamond. Cultural Hegemony contends that the way that Europeans developed civilization, with expressive art forms, valuing individualism, pride in science, and other such cultural aspects created the European wherewithal to effectively conquer the Western Hemisphere.

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What are the cultural forms and it's threats?

Cultural forms encompass various expressions of human creativity, such as art, music, dance, and literature, that reflect a society's values, beliefs, and traditions. Threats to cultural forms can include globalization, cultural appropriation, censorship, and technological advancements that may dilute or distort traditional cultural expressions. Preserving and respecting diverse cultural forms is essential for maintaining the richness and diversity of global cultural heritage.

Why is the texture of rhyolite different from the texture granite?

because rholite forms outside a volcano and granite forms inside the volcano

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Metamorphic rocks that consist of only one mineral that forms large interlocking crystals often have a texture.?

Metamorphic rocks that consist of only one mineral that forms large interlocking crystals often have a _____ texture.

Metamorphic rocks that consist of only one mineral that forms large interlocking crystals often have a texture?

Metamorphic rocks that consist of only one mineral that forms large interlocking crystals often have a _____ texture.

What are the participle forms of prove?

The participle forms of "prove" are "proved" and "proven."

What part of speech is prove?

The word proven is an adjective. It descrbes something that has been proved.

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Water is essential to all forms of metabolism in the body.?


Large size crystals are known as phaneritic what?

A rock with large crystals indicates that the rock cooled slowly. It is referred to as a phaneritic texture when a rock forms this way.