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Q: How has the decloration of independence affected your life today?
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Related questions

What did the decloration of independence say in the beginning?

The right of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness

Which historical document states that people have the right to life liberty and pursuit of happiness?

The document is the Decloration of Independence

What happen to William Paca's life after he signed the Decloration of Independence?

yes he farted on it to and then he ate it

How has independence affected life in India?

How has the independence affected life in India? It has given them the right to vote and to make their own laws. (More information): India got its independence in 1947.

How has bacteria affected your life today?

by cumingall over it

How did Abraham Lincoln affected or influences our life's today?

cool beans

How is life today affected by the Persian Wars?

It makes interesting reading and historical study.

What are two ideas in the declaration of independence that are still a main part of our beliefs today?

life and libety

How has the microscope affected life today?

It has effected us because to find evidence and more .... lol:p

How did James Madison influence life today?

He was a major writer of the declaration of independence. He is known as the "Father of the Constitution"

What was john hancock's goals?

his lifes goal was to make sure that he made a change in someones life but instead of that he changed many lives and he changed the perspective on how we may look at thing and how we may resolve conflicts. He even changed America when he signed the Decloration Of Independence.

How has the microchip affected life?

It has changed the world of tecnoly because just about every computer today uses one.