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Q: How has the microscope helped our understanding of living things?
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magnify glass
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How did the invention of the microscope affect scientists understanding of the living things?

The microscope helped Scientists see some things for the first time. We learned that we're made of trillions of cells and because of that have ventured into many new fields of sceince

How did invention of a microscope contribute to scientist's understanding of living things?

to see micro organisms

How did the invention of the microscope affect scientists understanding of living things?

it made them see deeper into the object to see what it is made of and more

How did the invention of the microscope contribute to knowledge about living things?

It helped us by it allowed us to see microscopic organisms better.

What make a microscope an important tool in the study of living thing?

All living things, ie. plants and animals are made up of cells that have different roles to play to keep an organism functioning. These cells are microscopic, so too study them and enhance our understanding of living things and how they function, we need a microscope.

How has the microscope helped humans?

It helped humans see small things.

What do you use to look at tiny living things?

a microscope Either a microscope or a magnifying glass, depending on just how small the 'tiny living things' are.

How did microscopes contribute to knowledge about living things?

How did the microscope contribute to knowledge about living things?

What microscope would you use to observe a living amoeba?

living things

What is the main disadvantage of the electron microscope over a compound microscope?

You can only view non-living things under the electron microscope, while with the compound you can view living organisms

Are bacteria microbes or living things?

They are both. Microbes are just small living things which we need a microscope to see.

What came first in the study of living things?

Light microscope