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people could look deeper into space with a giant telescope.

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Q: How have improved giant telescopes have helped in the study of space?
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How has space technology improved from 60 years ago and how has it helped us in further space discoveries today?

Technology has improved in many ways. Telescopes, Space probes and space shuttle along with many other things help us get a better knowledge of space. More powerful telescopes let us see things very far from earth. Good space probes go more far out in space and are able to learn more about space. Space shuttles do the same thing as space probes but only have humans

What have telescopes discovered and found out?

Telescopes have helped discover many things in space that are not visible such as some of the outer planets of our solar system.

Why do scientists use telscopes?

well they use the telescopes so they can look in space some telescopes have helped people discover new planets

Are radio telescopes radioactive?

No - radio telescopes are (to put it simply) giant aerials. They gather radio signals from outer space, bringing them to a focal point. The signals are sent to computers for analysis.

Are space telescopes manned or unmanned satellites?

All space telescopes are unmanned - unless you want to count the small telescopes on the Shuttle or IIS as space telescopes.

What colour are Jupiter's clouds as seen from outside the gas giant?

the same color as Hubble space telescopes pictures, and Galileo spacecrafts pictures

Are there telescopes in space?

hubble space station

What tool do astronomers use to study space?

they use space probes,satellites,and of coarse,telescopes.

What are the two ways scientists explore space?

light telescopes and radio telescopes whether installed on earth or on space vehicles

How are space telescopes controlled?

Radio signals are sent from Earth, to operate the telescopes.

How are telescopes used in astronomy?

Telescopes are used to see things that are far away from earth. Using telescopes we can see things that are millions of miles away. Most of the telescopes are on Earth but some of them are in space such as the Hubble Space Telescope.

How has the Hubble space telescope helped NASA?

Most large earth bound telescopes cannot see clear images of objects in deep space. Our. atmosphere distorts the pictures with shimmery air. The HST (Hubble Space Telescope) has the advantage because it is in space and has almost no distortion. It can see much farther than regular telescopes.