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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 8y ago

With the naked eye, when it came close enough. Otherwise, with telescopes.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

They watch it.

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βˆ™ 8y ago

Telescopes, binoculars and naked eye.

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Q: How have people observed Halley's comet since 1682?
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When is halleys comet coming again?

It can be seen every 75-76 years. The next predicted perihelion of Halley's Comet will be 28 July 2061.

What was the first comet to be visited by a spacecraft?

The comet now known as Halley's Comet has been observed since at least 240 BCE, but it was not known to be something that reappeared periodically. It wasn't until 1705 that English astronomer Edmond Halley determined that it was the same comet that appeared periodically.

After whom was halleys comet named?

Haley's comet is a comet that passes around every 76 years, it was last seen in 1986 and will next be seen in 2061. It is the only short-period comet that is visible to the naked eye. It's orbit is highly elliptical and focuses on the sun.Correctly named Halley's comet, this comet was named after Edmond Halley in 1705 and is visible to the naked eye about twice in a person's lifetime.

How did they observe halley comet since 1682?

he watched the comet every 75 years

Is the ion tail of a comet on the top or bottom?

It is on the side of the comet furthermost from the Sun. Conventional wisdom dictates gravity defines up and down therefore it is on "top" of the comet since the comet is trapped by the gravity of the Sun.

Why did people think Haleys Comet would end the world?

Probably because they were uninformed. Science has come a long way since then and we know Haleys Comet will probably never collide with Earth and end all life.

If Edmond Halley didn't discover Halley's Comet then who did?

Halley's Comet had been seen every 76 years since at least 240 BC, and probably earlier than that. But most people didn't live 76 years, and the written records weren't exactly common back then. So few people noticed that there was a comet coming by every 76 years. Edmund Halley DID make the connection, and analyzed the data of comet appearances in 1531, 1607 and 1682. In 1705, Halley said that these were all the SAME comet, and that the comet would return in 1758. It did (just barely!) and was named Halley's Comet in his honor.

How old is Halley's comet?

Halley's Comet, if it is a typical comet, was created during or shortly after the formation of the solar system, some 4.6 billion years ago. Although it may have originally had a very elliptical (long-period) orbit, the current (short-period) orbit may have been established between 10,000 and 200,000 years ago. It has been observed from Earth since about 240 BC (about 2250 years) and last appeared in the inner solar system in February, 1986.

How many years does Halley's comet take to reappear?

It takes some 75 to 76 years for Halley's Comet to orbit the sun. It last appeared in the inner Solar System in 1986, and will next appear in mid 2061. A link is provided to the Wikipedia article on Comet Halley.

What holidays are observed in Antarctica?

Since no one lives there permanently, it is unlikely that many holidays at all are observed there.

Do they name comets?

Yes as in 1705 Halley's comet was spotted by Edumd Halley and from then have been named since. P.s: Halley's comet will be seen 19th December 2023!

How long has it been since Pluto was observed?

14 Days