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it has adapted by growing spikes to help not get eaten from its prey

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Q: How have puffer fish adapted to any changes in its habitat?
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How is a puffer fish adapted?

puffer fish are ugly

What is green spotted puffer fish's habitat?

they are in the south coast of Carolina

What is a green spotted puffer fish's habitat?

they are in the south coast of Carolina

Are there other animals in a puffer fish habitat?

Yes. Animal Plankton (very tiny orgaisms that swim through the water and is basically food for the puffer fish.)

What is the puffer fish habitat?

There are more than 100 species of puffer fish living throughout the temperate waters of India, and the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. They live in the coral reefs of these oceans.

What is daily life for a puffer fish?

puffer fish wake up hunt. Then eat the food. The puffer fish try not to get eaten. so if you like puffer fish or blow fish help them

Is a puffer fish nice to other non-puffer fishes?

Most Puffer Fish are compatible with fish around the same size of the Puffer Fish. If you have a fish a lot bigger, or smaller than the puffer, it has a lower chance of being "nice" to the other fish.

In which zone does the puffer fish live.?

were do puffer fish live and were do they not

Is the porcupine puffer fish and the spiny puffer fish the same?


How long does a puffer fish live?

Puffer Fish lives from 4-8 years

How are puffer fish related to other fish?

there not related to any fish only puffer fish

Does a puffer fish have scales like some other fish?

No,Puffer Fish are scaleless fish.