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When there are more convincing theories occur and proved experimentally, scientist will modify or change the current theories.

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Q: How have scientific theories changed over time?
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How have scientific theories about Jupiter changed over time?

umm. they have changed alot over time because as the world and the moon goes through different phases theories change.Scientists use to believe that there was once life on Jupiter but now as the sun gets hotter and closer Jupiter is to hot for life on it

What do theories do over time?

Theories can evolve and change over time as new evidence is discovered or different perspectives are considered. They may be refined, expanded upon, or even replaced by new theories that better explain a phenomenon. Additionally, theories may become widely accepted within a scientific community or society as a whole as they stand the test of time and scrutiny.

What stament is true of scientific theories?

they can change over time

Why scientific theories grow stronger over time?

Because the best scientist in the world Ani Miteva solved problems every day and found way to improve the scientific theories.

Which best explains why scientific theories grow stronger over time?

Scientific theories grow stronger over time because they are constantly being tested, scrutinized, and refined through rigorous experimentation and observation. As scientists gather more evidence and data, they can either support or challenge existing theories. The process of peer review and replication of experiments helps to ensure the reliability and validity of scientific findings. Over time, as more evidence accumulates and different researchers reach similar conclusions, confidence in the theory increases. This continuous process of testing and refinement allows scientific theories to become more robust and reliable as our understanding of the natural world deepens.

Why are scientific theories changed over time?

One of two reasons: Either they are found to be dead ends and are abandoned, or (and this is more likely): They are proven to the scientists satisfaction - which immediately, as any scientist will tell you, begs three more new questions. In the scientific method, answering a question always leads to new questions, which eventually become theories to prove or disprove.

How has social structure theories changed over time?

There many factors affecting social sector theories, Innovation and discovery affect a lot of human mind, which in resulted to alter social sector theories.

Can Scientific theories be modified.?

Yes, all the time.

What scientific beliefs have changed over time?

Almost all of them, as new information allows them to be refined.

Two theories on how species change over time?

The scientific theory is evolution.

Scientific laws and theories cannot change?

Laws can only be changed if enough evidence has been given to disprove the law and place another law in its place. Theories change all the time. Theories are basically a question that scientist try to answer. Theories are just an idea that scientists give as an explanation to a question but they are not sure yet

Why has the model of the atom changed over time?

Improved knowledge of the atom via new experiments and development of new theories (e.g. quantum mechanics).