

Best Answer
  • Structural material to reach higher points and receive more sunlight
  • Structural adaptation
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Q: How have seaweed and lilies adapted to freshwater biomes?
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What are the plants that live in the freshwater biome?

The different types of plants that live in Freshwater Biomes are-seaweed (freshwater)-water lilies-alage-kelp (aka Susswassertang)ANS2:There are thousands of examples of plants that live in fresh water. A short list of invasive aquatic plants in Washington (see link) lists about twenty.

What type of plants live in lake Erie?

Some plants in freshwater biomes can be: Water lilies, Lily pads, kelp, algae and other water dwelling plants.

Do you have to put water lilies and cattails in freshwater pond with goldfish?

Yes you do!!

How are water lilies adapted to living in water?

coz the have legs so they can swim hehehe

How are water lilies adapted to live in water?

coz the have legs so they can swim hehehe

What are freshwater plants?

Fresh water plants are cat tails, water lilies, duckweed, some iris, and arrowroot.

How are water lilies adapted to their environment?

It can live in the water. It is rooted under water but the leaves are afloat so that they can get sunlight (:

Does a marsh have freshwater?

If it is a freshwater marsh, then yes. A freshwater marsh has standing water and contains mostly soft-stemmed plants such as cattails, water lilies, arrowheads, rushes and sedges A saltwater marsh has mostly tough grasses and is found along side ocean coastlines.

How water lily are adapted to the water?

Water lilies have weak stems so the plant depends on its leaves and its ability to float.Calla lilies have large leaves which help the plant make more food. It also rests during hot weather and it withers away to rebound when weather is cooler.Asiatic lilies have adapted to grow sturdy roots along the stem to allow the lilies to grow tall.

What is the plural of the word lilly?

Lilies is the plural form of lily.

What plants live in water?

Seaweed, lilies, Louisiana iris, hyacinth, bamboo and several other plants live in water. plants prevent erosion along shorelines, as well as supply oxygen to other plants and fish.

Are lilies pink?

some pink lilies