

How heavy are Hawaiian Monk Seal pups?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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the monk seal pups weigh up to 610 lb

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Q: How heavy are Hawaiian Monk Seal pups?
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How many babies can a Hawaiian monk seal give birth to?

The Hawaiian Monk Seal is an endangered seal that is endemic to the waters around the Hawaiian Islands. Known to the native Hawaiians as ʻIlio holo i ka uaua (dog that runs in rough waters), they get their common name from their bald appearance, solitary habits, and folds of skin around their heads which resembles a monk's hood. Nearly 90% of Hawaiian Monk Seals live around the tiny, uninhabited islands and atolls in the upper reaches of the Hawaiian archipelago.

How many Monk Seal seal are there?

There are only an estimated 1,100 monk seals in the Hawaiian Islands, and with the population declining at a rate of 4 percent annually, biologists predict their numbers will dip below 1,000 in the next three to four years. NOAA biologists counted 119 seal pups born in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands in 2009, compared with 138 in 2008. Monk seal sightings are becoming more frequent in the main Hawaiian Islands, where 15 births were recorded. In 2009, six pup births were reported on Moloka'i, five on Kaua'i, two on O'ahu, and two on Maui. But, the 2009 breeding season produced the fewest pups in at least 10 years making the Hawaiian Monk Seal one of the world's rarest species.

What is the name for a newborn seal?

We call baby seals pups.

What are baby baby seal's called?

they are called...PUPS!!

What kind of bull and cow have a young pup?

A bull seal and a cow seal have seal pups.

What is a baby seal known as?

They are known as pups

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What do seal pups eat at beach?


How does harp seal pups eat?

Seal Pups are very funny, they eat like they are funny. They like to eat fish and cheesecake! and they like soup!

What are the predators and prey of Hawaiian Monk Seals?

- In the 19th century Hawaiian monk seals were clubbed to death by whalers and sealers for meat, oil and skin. - U.S. forces hunted them during World War II while occupying Laysan Island and Midway. - Predation by sharks, such as the tiger shark, reduced pup survival. - As a result of human disturbance, ciguatera poisoning, high male to female ratios during breeding season, and entanglement in fishing nets and debris have killed many of the species. - In the northeastern Hawaiian islands, starvation is a serious problem. Lobsters, the seal's preferred food other than fish, are overly hunted and competition from other predators such as sharks, jacks and barrucudas leaves little left over for developing pups. - In areas where male seals outnumber females, several males can compete for a single female, often accidentally killing the female. Females of any age can become targets, including pups.

Which animals have pups?

I think it is a seal that has pups or a certain type of seal.also some people call baby puppies(dogs)pups.

What percentage of fur seal pups don't survive the first three months?

To answer your question 80% of the seal pups don't survive the first 3 months. :(