

How heavy can a snake get?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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16y ago

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That rather depends on the species of snake you mean ! Some species (such as the blind snakes) weigh no mew than a few grams - even at their adult size of around 8 inches. At the other end of the scale - a fully grown Reticulated Python would tip the scales at more than 165 lbs (75 kg) at their adult size of around 21 feet (6.5 m)

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9y ago
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13y ago

As a baby, they weigh under a pound, approximately several ounces. As a juvenile/adolescent, they usually weigh around 1-1.5 pounds, and as an adult can weigh from 2-4 pounds, depending on the individual snake's health and food consumption.

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11y ago

It depends on the species of snake ! TheBrahminy blind snake

(which lives its entire life in a flower-pot is only a few grams in weight - The Green Anaconda of South America can weigh as much as a full-grown man !

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15y ago

Dependant on the snake and its age from milligrams to many kilograms

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16y ago

Counting the machine and all the sectionals and heads in excess of 400 pounds

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11y ago

It depends on the specific species - but adults usually average around 66-72 inches.

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12y ago

a baby will weigh less than a full grown and if it has eaten. also the type of snake will vary its weight. also the sex of the snake will vary its size which means the weight will change.

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14y ago

between a few ounces and several pounds. depends the size of the snake.

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11y ago

They can weight up to about 30-40 lbs

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Well, snake in arabic is 'haiya'. The 'h' is a heavy sound, and the 'a' is a short sound. It sounds like 'hay-ye'. Hope that helped! ^^

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The Green Anaconda is the heaviest. Although recognised as the longest species, the Reticulated python is not as heavy.

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There is no single snake that fits this description. There is the Arizona black rattlesnake but it is a heavy-bodied snake as are most rattlesnakes. (See image above.) There is, however, the black rat snake which is long and slender. It does not have a rattle. However, when frightened it will vibrate its tail much like a rattlesnake, and this can sound like a real rattler if the snake happens to be on some dry leaves.

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